
Vpliv plesne vadbe Zumba® Kids na izbrane gibalne sposobnosti učenk 4. razreda osnovne šole : magistrsko delo
ID Kristan, Saša (Author), ID Štemberger Vučko, Vesna (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Redna telesna aktivnost, prilagojena razvojnim stopnjam otrok, ima ključno vlogo pri njihovem celostnem razvoju, pri čemer pogosto izpostavljamo koristi za organizem, kot so povečanje mišične moči, izboljšanje srčno-žilne funkcije ter zmanjšanje tveganja za debelost in bolezni. Vendar pa je enako pomemben tudi njen pozitiven vpliv na kognitivni, čustveni in socialni razvoj, kar prispeva k boljši kakovosti življenja v otroštvu in pozneje. Otroci so bolj motivirani za telesno aktivnost, če sodelujejo v dejavnostih, ki jih veselijo in jih dojemajo kot zabavne. Ena takih dejavnosti je ples, ki zaradi svoje narave prispeva k celostnemu razvoju otrok in je med njimi zelo priljubljen. Zumba® Kids je prilagojena različica Zumbe®, namenjena otrokom, starim od 7 do 11 let, ki združuje plesne korake, glasbo in zabavo ter spodbuja zdrav življenjski slog. Raziskava je bila izvedena na Osnovni šoli Matije Valjavca Preddvor med marcem in junijem 2024, vanjo pa je bilo vključenih 21 učenk 4. razreda, starih od 9 do 10 let. Udeleženke so bile razdeljene na eksperimentalno skupino (10 učenk), ki je sodelovala v programu Zumba® Kids, in kontrolno skupino (11 učenk), ki v program ni bila vključena. Glavni cilj magistrske naloge je bil preučiti vpliv programa Zumba® Kids na koordinacijo, vzdržljivost, gibljivost in moč trupa učenk 4. razreda. Rezultati analize so pokazali, da med eksperimentalno in kontrolno skupino ni bilo statistično pomembnih razlik v izboljšanju nobene od preučenih gibalnih sposobnosti, kar pomeni, da program Zumba® Kids ni imel statistično pomembnega vpliva na izboljšanje koordinacije, vzdržljivosti, gibljivosti in moči trupa v primerjavi s kontrolno skupino. V nasprotju z ugotovitvami tujih raziskav, ki so pri otrocih podobne starosti zabeležile pomembne izboljšave v koordinaciji in gibljivosti po plesnih programih, naša raziskava teh rezultatov ni dosegla, kar bi lahko pripisali prekratkemu trajanju programa.

Keywords:telesna aktivnost, ples, Zumba® Kids, gibalne sposobnosti, 4. razred
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:S. Kristan
Number of pages:35 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-164755 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:214604547 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.11.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Effects of Zumba® Kids Training on Selected Motor Skills in 4th-Grade Elementary School Girls
Regular physical activity adapted to children's developmental stages plays a key role in their overall development, often highlighting benefits for the body such as increasing muscle strength, improving cardiovascular function and reducing the risk of obesity and disease. However, equally important is its positive impact on cognitive, emotional and social development, which contributes to a better quality of life in childhood and beyond. Children are more motivated to be physically active if they participate in activities that they enjoy and perceive as fun. One such activity is dance, which by its very nature contributes to children's holistic development and is very popular among them. Zumba® Kids is an adapted version of Zumba®, aimed at children aged 7 to 11 years, which combines dance steps, music and fun to promote a healthy lifestyle. The survey was carried out at the Matije Valjavec Preddvor Primary School between March and June 2024 and involved 21 grade 4 pupils aged 9–10 years. The participants were divided into an experimental group (10 pupils), which participated in the Zumba® Kids programme, and a control group (11 pupils), which did not participate in the programme. The main aim of the master thesis was to investigate the effect of the Zumba® Kids programme on the coordination, endurance, flexibility and trunk strength of 4th grade female students. The results of the analysis showed that there were no statistically significant differences between the experimental and control groups in the improvement of any of the motor skills studied, which means that the Zumba® Kids programme had no statistically significant effect on the improvement of coordination, endurance, flexibility and trunk strength compared to the control group. In contrast to the findings of foreign studies which reported significant improvements in coordination and flexibility in children of similar age after dance programmes, our study did not achieve these results, which could be attributed to the too short duration of the programme.

Keywords:physical activity, dance, Zumba® Kids, motor skills, 4th grade

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