
Medinstitucionalno sodelovanje: primer šolskih svetovalnih služb in centra za socialno delo
ID Merlak, Sarah (Author), ID Rihter, Liljana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Pobuda za raziskovanje teme medinstitucionalnega sodelovanja izhaja iz izkušenj, ki sem jih pridobila tekom študijske prakse tako na CSD-ju kot na osnovni šoli. Takrat sem sodelovanje med institucijama doživljala kot neučinkovito, neenakovredno. Predstavniki šol so bili namreč pri sodelovanju pogosto pasivni, večinoma so le pritrjevali predlogom strokovnih delavk s CSD-ja, včasih pa se je zdelo, da sodelujoči niso bili na isti strani. Poleg tega sem med študijem večkrat slišala pripombe, da se šole izogibajo sodelovanju, ker bi to zanje pomenilo dodatno delo. Po drugi strani sem z vidika šol opazila, da zaradi preobremenjenosti CSD-ja šolske svetovalne delavke nase prevzamejo zelo kompleksne probleme, kar močno povečuje obremenitev šolskih svetovalnih služb. Zaradi teh opažanj v svojem magistrskem delu raziskujem medinstitucionalno sodelovanje med šolskimi svetovalnimi službami in centrom za socialno delo, pri čemer se osredotočim na obe perspektivi – tako na perspektivo strokovnih delavk na CSD-ju kot tudi svetovalnih delavk na šoli. V teoretičnem delu najprej predstavim stroko socialnega dela in delovanje centrov za socialno delo, pri čemer opišem njihova pooblastila, naloge ter samo vlogo socialnega dela znotraj omenjene institucije. Nadalje se osredotočim na šolsko svetovalno delo, kjer prav tako podrobno opišem njihove naloge, področja delovanja in cilje. Pri tem posebej izpostavim vlogo socialnega dela v šolski svetovalni službi. V nadaljevanju obravnavam medinstitucionalno sodelovanje med osnovno šolo in CSD-jem, kjer opišem relevantno zakonodajo, ki to sodelovanje ureja, ter izpostavim prednosti in pomanjkljivosti takšnega sodelovanja. Za konec podrobneje opišem še timsko delo. V raziskovalnem delu opravim kvalitativno raziskavo z intervjuji na neslučajnostnem priložnostnem vzorcu sedmih strokovnih delavk, zaposlenih na raziskovani enoti CSD-ja, ter devetih šolskih svetovalnih delavk, zaposlenih na osnovnih šolah, ki spadajo pod raziskovano enoto. Rezultati, ki jih pridobim s kvalitativno analizo, odgovarjajo na vprašanja o razlogih za sodelovanje ter o razumevanju vlog posamezne institucije. Raziskava ponudi tudi vpogled v konkretno sodelovanje, izkušnje sodelovanja strokovnih in svetovalnih delavk z različnimi profili, ter v njihovo usposobljenost za medinstitucionalno sodelovanje, vključno z izobraževanji na to temo. Zaključek raziskave prinaša še številne predloge za to, da bo lahko medinstitucionalno sodelovanje med šolo in CSD-jem (še) bolj uspešno.

Keywords:Medinstitucionalno sodelovanje, šola, šolska svetovalna delavka, CSD, strokovna delavka na CSD-ju
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-164725 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.11.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Interinstitutional Cooperation: A Case Study of School Counseling Services and the Social Work Center
The initiative to explore the topic of interinstitutional cooperation stems from my experiences during an internship at both the Social Work Center and an elementary school. At the time, I perceived the collaboration between the two institutions as ineffective and unequal. School representatives often appeared passive in the collaboration, mostly agreeing to the suggestions of the Social Work Center professionals, while at times it seemed that the participants were not on the same page. Moreover, I frequently heard remarks during my studies that schools tend to avoid cooperation because it would mean additional work for them. On the other hand, from the perspective of the schools, I noticed that due to the Social Work Center’s overburdening, school counselors often take on very complex problems, significantly increasing their workload. Based on these observations, my master's thesis investigates interinstitutional cooperation between school counseling services and the Social Work Center, focusing on both perspectives—the Social Work Center professionals as well as school counselors. In the theoretical part, I first present the social work profession and the functioning of the Social Work Center, describing its powers, tasks, and the role of social work within this institution. I then focus on school counseling, where I similarly describe their duties, areas of operation, and objectives in detail, particularly highlighting the role of social work in school counseling services. Subsequently, I examine interinstitutional cooperation between elementary schools and the Social Work Center, outlining the relevant legislation that governs this cooperation and pointing out the advantages and shortcomings of such collaboration. Finally, I provide a detailed description of teamwork. In the research section, I conduct a qualitative study using interviews with a non random convenience sample of seven professionals employed at the Social Work Center unit under investigation and nine school counselors working in elementary schools that fall under the same unit of Social Work Center. The results, obtained through qualitative analysis, answer questions regarding the reasons for cooperation and the understanding of the roles of each institution. The study also offers insights into specific cooperation experiences, collaboration among professionals with different profiles, and their preparedness for interinstitutional cooperation, including training on this topic. The conclusion of the study presents numerous suggestions for improving interinstitutional cooperation between schools and the Social Work Center.

Keywords:Interinstitutional cooperation, school, school counselor, Social Work Center, Social Work Center professional

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