
Razvoj namiznega CNC laserskega rezalnega sistema
ID Kokelj, Gal (Author), ID Jezeršek, Matija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Cilj magistrske naloge je bil razvoj, izdelava in preizkus CNC laserskega rezalnika za rezanje različno debelih pločevin. Pri izdelavi sistema je bil uporabljen vlakenski laser izhodne kontinuirane moči 500 W. Sistem je bil zasnovan na podlagi linearnega pozicionirnega sistema s tremi osmi, ki poleg vodenja snopa po pločevini omogočajo tudi prilagajanje z-osi, torej oddaljenosti laserske rezalne glave od obdelovane površine. Sistem je krmiljen preko 32 bitnega krmilnika Makerbase MKS Robin Nano V3.1 s programsko opremo Marlin. Krmilje nam omogoča generiranje poti laserskega rezalnika na podlagi branja g-kode, generirane v programskem okolju laserweb, neposredno iz SD kartice. Po izdelavi laserskega rezalnika smo sistem tudi preiskusili. Zgornji rob izrezanih vzorcev je bil lep, na spodnji strani pa je nastal srh. Pri rezalnih testih laserskega razreza nerjavnega jekla debeline 2 mm smo uporabili izhodno moč laserja 500 W in tlak procesnega plina dušika 5 barov. Testi so potekali pri različnih rezalnih hitrostih, kar je vplivalo na količino in debelino srha na rezalnem robu. Pri hitrosti 500 mm/min se je oblikoval gost sloj srha, debeline 0,5 mm. Ko smo povečali hitrost na 800 mm/min, se je na rezalnem robu pojavil nekoliko redkejši sloj srha, debeline 1 mm. Pri hitrosti 1000 mm/min pa smo opazili precej redek sloj srha, debeline 2 mm.

Keywords:vlakenski laser, laserski rezalnik, pozicionirni sistem, CNC laserski razrez, obdelava kovin, laserska tehnika, programska oprema marlin
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-164434 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.10.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Development of a desktop CNC laser cutting system
The aim of the master's thesis was the development, manufacturing, and testing of a CNC laser cutter for cutting various thicknesses of sheet metal. A 500 W fiber laser was used in the system's fabrication. The system was designed based on a linear positioning system with three axes, which not only guide the beam across the sheet metal but also allow adjustment of the z-axis, i.e., the distance between the laser cutting head and the work surface. The system is controlled via a 32-bit Makerbase MKS Robin Nano V3.1 controller using Marlin software. The controller enables us to generate the laser cutter's path by reading G-code generated in the laserweb software environment directly from the SD card. After manufacturing the laser cutter, we also tested the system. The top edge of the cut patterns was nice, but the bottom side had a dross. In the cutting tests of laser cutting of stainless steel with a thickness of 2 mm, we used a laser output power of 500 W and a nitrogen process gas pressure of 5 bar. The tests were carried out at different cutting speeds, which affected the amount and thickness of dross on the cutting edge. At a speed of 500 mm/min, a dense layer of dross, 0.5 mm thick, was formed. When we increased the speed to 800 mm/min, a slightly thinner layer of dross, 1 mm thick, appeared on the cutting edge. At a speed of 1000 mm/min, we observed a rather rare layer of dross, 2 mm thick.

Keywords:fiber laser, laser cutter, positioning system, CNC laser cutting, metal processing, laser technique, marlin firmware

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