
Strukturna in biokemijska karakterizacija aktinoporinom podobnega proteina MoFa in bakterijskega proteina Cyt2Aa
ID Šolinc, Gašper (Author), ID Podobnik, Marjetka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Anderluh, Gregor (Comentor)

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Uporaba proteinskih nanopor v tehnologijah zaznavanja z nanoporami se je izkazala obetavno za identifikacijo in karakterizacijo molekul. Za podrobno karakterizacijo analitov so potrebne pore z edinstveno prilagojenimi lastnostmi. Da bi razširili nabor razpoložljivih nanopor, smo strukturno in biokemijsko okarakterizirali dva potencialna proteina, ki tvorita pore: aktinoporinom podoben protein MoFa iz korale Orbicella faveolata in citolizin Cyt2Aa iz bakterije Bacillus thuringiensis. MoFa tvori oligomerne pore na lipidnih membranah, ki vsebujejo sfingomielin. Membrano predirajo α-vijačnice, ki se nahajajo na N-koncu. Pora je proteinsko-lipidni kompleks lijakaste oblike, kjer je na poro, sestavljeno iz osmih protomerov MoFa vezanih vsaj 112 lipidov. V doktorski disertaciji smo kvantificirali interakcije protein-lipid ter z uporabo simulacij molekulske dinamike pokazali, da pora omeji gibanje okoliških membranskih lipidov. Ugotovili smo tudi, da poleg oktamernih por, MoFa tvori tudi heptamerne in nonamerne pore, katerih trdimenzionalne strukture smo določili s krio-elektronsko mikroskopijo. Stehiometrija por je delno odvisna od sestave lipidnih membran. Na podlagi struktur por smo zasnovali nove različice le-teh v namene uporabe teh por za zaznavanje analitov. V nasprotju z MoFa pa Cyt2Aa, ko je izpostavljen lipidni membrani, ne tvori por, temveč nitaste oligomere. Naši rezultati kažejo, da Cyt2Aa ne deluje kot klasičen porotvorni protein in ne tvori obročastih por, temveč poruši integriteto membrane podobno, kot detergenti, z raztapljanjem. Tvorbo nitastih oligomerov Cyt2Aa sproži tudi stik proteina z detergenti. Cyt2Aa filamenti imajo zmanjšano hemolitično aktivnost in niso primerni za uporabo zaznavanja z nanoporami. Glavni rezultat tega dela so različne strukture por MoFa in na novo oblikovane različice, ki zagotavljajo odlično izhodišče za prihodnji razvoj aplikacij za zaznavanje.

Keywords:porotvorni proteini, aktinoporini, bakterijski citolizini, makromolekularna kristalografija, presevna elektronska mikroskopija pod krio pogoji, interakcije med membranskimi proteini in lipidnimi membranami
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-164419 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:212951043 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.10.2024
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Title:Structural and biochemical characterization of actinoporin-like protein MoFa and bacterial protein Cyt2Aa
The use of protein nanopores has shown great promise for the identification and characterization of molecules in nanopore sensing technologies. For detailed characterization of analytes, pores with uniquely suited characteristics are required. To expand the pool of available nanopores, we structurally and biochemically characterised two potential pore-forming proteins: the actinoporin-like protein MoFa from the coral Orbicella faveolata and the cytolysin Cyt2Aa from Bacillus thuringiensis. MoFa forms oligomeric pores on lipid membranes containing sphingomyelin. The membrane is penetrated by α-helices located at the N-terminus. The pore is a funnel-shaped protein-lipid complex, where at least 112 lipids are bound to the pore, consisting of eight MoFa protomers. We quantified protein-lipid interactions and by using molecular dynamics simulations showed that the pore limits the movement of surrounding membrane lipids. We found that, in addition to octameric pores MoFa also forms heptameric and nonameric pores, the three-dimensional structures of which we also determined by cryo electron microscopy. The stoichiometry of the pores depends in part on the composition of the lipid membranes. Based on the pore structures, we designed new constructs for sensing applications. In contrast to MoFa, Cyt2Aa does not form pores when exposed to a lipid membrane but forms filamentous oligomers. Our results show that Cyt2Aa does not act as a classical pore-forming protein and does not form ring-shaped pores, but instead disrupts the membrane integrity similar to detergents by solubilization. The formation of filamentous oligomers of Cyt2Aa is also triggered by the contact of the protein with detergents. Cyt2Aa filaments have reduced hemolytic activity and are not suitable for use in nanopore sensing. The main result of this work are different MoFa pore structures and newly designed versions, which provide an excellent starting point for the future development of sensing applications.

Keywords:pore-forming proteins, actinoporins, bacterial cytolysins, macromolecular crystallography, transmission electron microscopy under cryogenic conditions, interactions between membrane proteins and lipid membranes

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