In theory of management one of the most important issues is incitement of the employees. Only
through the development of the quality motivation system which is based on the implementation
of the ISO quality standards of products and services, it is possible to increase the
competitiveness and long-term customer loyalty.
International standards of quality management have become a generally accepted framework for
improvement of the quality of products and services. There is an increase in the number of
studies that underline connections between the model of the quality management system and
system of employee motivation.
The introduction of quality standards and work motivation are part of complex work processes,
which include psychological, social and material factors related to an individual, company and
Mentioned facts show that the introduction of high criteria of quality of work, products and
services together with defined motivational system and joint determination to achieve common
goals produce the special motivational factor containing material and non-material aspects and
providing two-way effect.