Education today is under increasing pressure to be efficient. Most of those involved in this organized learning process to secure the future of society are dissatisfied with this direction. Thus, the organized learning process loses the fundamental task of preparing for the good life. Especially since the religious dimension is also marginalized. Holistic education tries to respond to this problem. The holarchic didactic model of C. Mayes offers the possibility to consider students and teachers in their totality. The religious dimension is also included in this model. Even catechesis, which is supposed to be primarily an introduction to religion, has difficulty responding to all the challenges of the times. The demands of the Church and the possibilities offered by the charismatic didactic model can be a good way to reflect on catechetical work in our country. By incorporating resonance pedagogy, this model lends itself to new ways of establishing a true relationship between all those involved in the learning process, thus offering as a conclusion a new catechetical path.