Gender identity disorder (gender dysphoria) in people of all ages is sweeping Europe, especially in recent times, and is gaining ground worldwide. All positive approaches are motivated by the desire to alleviate the dissatisfaction arising from the discrepancy between biological sex and gender, in which a person feels that he or she is more authentic. Even surgical interventions on the body have only one purpose: to improve life and alleviate symptoms of dysphoria. Nevertheless, above all, young people should be told to remain true to their identity, because that is what belongs to nature and to a healthy person. Civil laws all over the world are adapting to modern man’s aspirations for all rights, including the right to marry. Slovenia has joined this trend in the liberal democracies of the Western world. The aspirations for the right to marry for persons who have a gender identity disorder are not acceptable to the Catholic Church. The common good demands that canon law also upholds and protects marriage between a man and a woman as the foundation of the family, the basic unit of society. Canon law must therefore defend marriage between a man and a woman for the good of humanity and society as a whole.