
Upanje za naravo in človeštvo : nekateri etični premisleki
ID Pevec Rozman, Mateja (Author)

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Človeštvo se sooča z velikimi tehnološkimi in tehničnimi izzivi, ki dajejo človeku občutek nadzora nad življenjem; življenja zunaj nas (obvladovanje narave in naravnih pojavov, kolonizacija vesolja, vesoljsko rudarjenje ipd.) in svojega lastnega življenja (preoblikovanje telesa, iskanje eliksirja večne mladosti ipd.). Čeprav se je človeštvo od samega začetka ukvarjalo s podobnimi vprašanji (kako razumeti in obvladati življenje), postajajo danes le ta, predvsem pa odgovori nanje, zastrašujoči in skrb vzbujajoči. Razvoj tehnike in tehnologije, predvsem biotehnologije, ki obljublja človeku življenje brez bolečine in malodane raj na zemlji, odpirajo mnoga etična vprašanja, s katerimi se razvojne družbe in korporacije po večini ne ukvarjajo, zahtevajo pa temeljit etični premislek. Človek je postal gospodar narave, narava, naše okolje pa je vse bolj ranljivo in ogroženo. Danes govorimo o okoljski krizi (Harari 2019, 13), ki ne ogroža le narave; pravzaprav ogroža človeka samega. Človek s svojim potrošniškim načinom življenja bistveno prispeva k neugodnim klimatskim spremembam. V zgodovini planeta Zemlja so se klimatske spremembe sicer ves čas dogajale, a ta naravni tok ciklusov je zadnjih 200 let (od industrijske revolucije dalje) odločno pospešen. Živimo v paradoksni situaciji, ko je človek postal žrtev in suženj lastnega napredka. Postavlja se nam vprašanje, ali smo na klimatske spremembe pripravljeni in kaj smo pripravljeni narediti, da bomo preživeli in ohranili planet Zemljo za bodoče rodove. V pričujočem prispevku uvodoma spregovorimo o odnosu med človekom in naravo in izpostavimo problematiko tega odnosa. Pogled v predizhodiščno situacijo, ko je bila narava zaupana človeku v varovanje in gospodovanje, in odmik od le-te, pomaga razumeti sedanje nezavidljivo stanje, v katerem se je znašlo človeštvo in planet Zemlja. Namen prispevka je pokazati, da so v sodobnem postmodernem času potrebna nova etična pravila, ki bodo zadevala človeške (medosebne) odnose in tudi odnos do celotnega stvarstva. Osrednja teza prispevka je v postavitvi nove etične perspektive, kot jo predlaga Hans Jonas, kjer se etika odgovornosti za drugega kot izvor moralnega čuta dopolnjuje z odgovornostjo do narave, ki ji je ponovno potrebno priznati njeno lastno bistvo in dostojanstvo. V spremenjenem odnosu do stvarnosti in aktivni solidarni odgovornosti vsakega posameznika in celotnega človeštva je moč iskati upanje za preživetje človeka, narave in bodočih rodov.

Keywords:človek, narava, ekologija, etika, odgovornost, globalizacija
Work type:Article
Typology:1.02 - Review Article
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
Publication status:Published
Publication version:Version of Record
Publication date:01.01.2021
Number of pages:Str. 835-848
Numbering:Letn. 81, [št.] 4
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-164039 This link opens in a new window
ISSN on article:0006-5722
DOI:10.34291/BV2021/04/Pevec This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:91388931 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.10.2024
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Record is a part of a journal

Title:Bogoslovni vestnik : glasilo Teološke fakultete v Ljubljani
Shortened title:Bogosl. vestn.
Publisher:Teološka fakulteta
COBISS.SI-ID:8745472 This link opens in a new window


License:CC BY 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Description:This is the standard Creative Commons license that gives others maximum freedom to do what they want with the work as long as they credit the author.

Secondary language

Title:Is there a hope for nature and humanity : some ethical consideration
Humanity faces major technological and technical challenges that give a man a sense of control over life; life outside us (mastery of nature and natural phenomena, colonization of the universe, space mining, etc.) and one’s own life (transformation of the body, search for the elixir of eternal life and youth, etc.). Although from the very beginning humanity has dealt with similar questions (how to understand and master life), today only these, and above all the answers to them, are becoming frightening and worrying. The development of technique and technology intervenes in the field of man and the human environment and opens many ethical issues, which development societies and corporations are mainly not dealing with but require thorough ethical consideration. Humanity has become the master of nature, but nature and our environment are increasingly vulnerable and endangered. Today, we are talking about an environmental crisis (Harari 2019, 13) that threatens not only nature; it endangers man himself. With his consumer way of life, man contributes significantly to unfavourable climate change. In the history of the Earth, climate change has been happening all the time. Still, this natural flow of cycles has been decisively accelerated in the last 200 years (since the Industrial Revolution). We live in a paradoxical situation where man has become a victim and a slave to his progress. The question arises as to whether we prepare for climate change and what we are willing to do to survive and preserve planet Earth for future generations. In the present article, we talk about the relationship between man and nature and highlight the issue of this relationship. Looking at the pre-initial situation, when nature entrusted to man in protection and domination, and moving away from it, helps to understand the current unenviable state in which humanity and the planet Earth found themselves. The purpose of this paper is to show that in modern, postmodern times, we need new ethical rules that will concern human (interpersonal) relationships and the relationship to the whole of creation. The paper’s central thesis is setting a new ethical perspective, as proposed by Hans Jonas, where the ethics of responsibility for the other as the source of the moral sense complemented by a commitment to nature, which again needs to acknowledge its essence and dignity. In a changed attitude towards reality and active solidarity responsibility of each individual and the whole of humanity, it is possible to look for hope for the survival of man, nature and future generations.

Keywords:human, nature, ecology, ethics, responsibility, globalisation

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