
Razvojni lok narodnozabavnih besedil ansambla Slapovi
ID Šteh, Lucija (Author), ID Perenič, Urška (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Širca, Alen Albin (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo analizira nabor narodnozabavnih besedil ansambla Slapovi. Predstavljen je zgodovinski razvoj narodnozabavne zvrsti in njenih žanrov, opredeljen pojem narodnozabavne glasbe ter predstavljeno delovanje ansambla, ki je za ustvarjanje prejel diamantno ploščo matične založbe Helidon. V jedru magistrskega dela je analiza besedil, kjer se zlasti osredotočimo na motive, teme in sporočilnost. V zaključku ugotavljamo, da so Slapovi prispevali h kontinuiteti slovenske narodnozabavne zvrsti in njenih žanrov, v primerjavi s sočasno nastalimi narodnozabavnimi besedili prispevali nekaj izvirnih motivnih drobcev – sidrišča in varnega zavetja, kjer kraljuje sreča, ne predstavlja zgolj podeželje, temveč tudi mesto, rože z domačega vrta niso več samo simbol naklonjenosti do ljubljenega dekleta, marveč tudi družinske ljubezni, rahljajo se tradicionalni partnerski odnosi, pesem ni več samo izraz veselja ali žalosti, ampak ima lahko obliko prošnje za odpuščanje in obnovitev skrhanega odnosa, tematizirana sta poklica zidarja in železničarja, poudarjen je pomen napredka za prihodnost – ter s tematizacijo dolenjske pokrajine močno prispevali h kulturni prepoznavnosti domačega kraja in Dolenjske.

Keywords:slovenska narodnozabavna glasba, ansambel Slapovi, motivno-tematska analiza, sporočilnost, inovativnost
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Čušperk [i.e. Ljubljana]
Publisher:[L. Šteh]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-163879 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:212833795 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.10.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Developmental arc of the folk poems of the ensemble Slapovi
Master’s thesis analyses a set of folk poem texts by ensemble Slapovi. The historical development of the folk genre and its genres is presented, the concept of folk music is defined, and the work of the ensemble, which received a diamond record from the parent publishing house Helidon, is presented. The core of the master’s thesis is the analysis of texts, where we focus on the motives, themes, and ideas. In conclusion, we conclude that ensemble Slapovi contributed to the continuity of Slovenian folk genre and its genres, in comparison with simultaneously created folk texts contributed some original motif fragments – the anchorage and safe haven where happiness reigns is not only the countryside, but also the city, flowers from the home garden are no longer only a symbol of affection to a loved girl but also family love, traditional partnerships are loosening, song is no longer only an expression of joy or sadness, but it can have the form of a request for forgiveness and the restoration of broken relationship, the professions of mason and railroad worker are thematized, stress the importance of progress for the future – and with the theme of Dolenjska region, they have greatly contributed to the cultural recognition of their hometown and Dolenjska.

Keywords:Slovenian folk music, ensemble Slapovi, motive-thematic analysis, communicativeness, inovativeness

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