The author's joint master's thesis is based on materials about the Slovene and French study COVID-19: Vulnerability Assessment and Community Engagement, which was carried out as a part of the Sonar-Global project, and on ethnographic material collected in the Slovene part of the project (in 2021 in Ljubljana and the Pomurje region). The author carries out a comparative analysis of the Slovene and the French study and of the recommendations for policy makers, compares the Slovene and French translations of the English research instruments (questionnaires) that were used for the interviews in the studies, and studies the connection of migration, health, and access to healthcare during the COVID-19 pandemic in Slovenia. Doing that, she focuses on people on the move (in the present research, these were refugees, asylum seekers and persons with permission to remain in the Republic of Slovenia). She demonstrates some factors that go beyond the formal and actual access to healthcare and, being connected to migration, influence the health and well-being of people on the move.