
Vključenost Orffovih inštrumentov v pouk nauka o glasbi : magistrsko delo
ID Muhič, Marija Marinka (Author), ID Rotar Pance, Branka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Pucihar, Jaka (Comentor)

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V magistrskem delu obravnavamo Orffov didaktični koncept, Orffove inštrumente in njihovo vključenost v pouk nauka o glasbi v glasbeni šoli. Ob tem nas zanimajo tudi medpredmetne povezave, ki se odvijajo ob njihovi uporabi. Uporaba Orffovega inštrumentarija ni predvidena samo znotraj pouka nauk o glasbi, ampak tudi znotraj predmeta Orkester. Orkestrska igra je pomembno dopolnilo in nadgradnja učenja solističnega orkestrskega inštrumenta in ima izrazito povezovalno vlogo med njimi, kar dobro vpliva tudi na motiviranost učencev. Z analizo glasbenih primerov, ki predvidevajo uporabo Orffovih inštrumentov v učbenikih Mali glasbeniki 1–6, avtoric Tornič Milharčič, Širca Costantini in Kozlevčar, Solfeggio 1–2 avtorice Širca Pavčič ter Nauk o glasbi 1–6 avtoric Repše, Ulokina in Urbančič, ugotavljamo, kaj spremlja inštrumentalna igra, kakšni so načini spremljanja, kolikšen del pesmi oz. skladbe spremljamo, na kakšen način je zapisana partitura in ali je vključena tudi improvizacija in na kakšen način poteka. Vsi učbeniki pogosto, vendar na različne načine in v povezavi z različnimi dejavnostmi, vključujejo delo z Orffovimi inštrumenti. Na koncu smo dodali še šestnajst avtorskih priredb za delo z Orffovimi inštrumenti. Napisane so tako za ritmične kot melodične inštrumente. Nekatere so primerne za delo v nižjih razredih nauka o glasbi, druge pa za delo v višjih razredih nauka o glasbi oz. v Orffovem orkestru.

Keywords:glasbena šola, Orffovi inštrumenti, nauk o glasbi, medpredmetno povezovanje, učbeniki, avtorske spremljave, magistrska dela, magistrske naloge
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:AG - Academy of Music
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:M. M. Muhič
Number of pages:69 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-163824 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:211166979 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.10.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Inclusion of Orff instruments into music theory lessons
In the present Thesis we are dealing with the Orff Didactic Concept, Orff Instruments and their inclusion into Music Theory Lessons at a Music School. Additionally, we are interested in Cross-curricular connections which are present while using them. The usage of Orff instrumentation is intended not only for Music Theory Lessons, but also for the subject 'Orchestra'. Orchestral play is an important supplement and upgrade of a soloist orchestral instrument and has a distinctly connective role amongst them, which has a positive impact on students' motivation. Through analysis of musical examples which forsee the usage of Orff instuments in texbooks Mali glasbeniki 1-6 written by Tornič Milharčič, Širca Costantini and Kozlevčar, Solfeggio 1-2 by Širca Pavčič and Nauk o glasbi 1-6 by Repše, Ulokina and Urbančič, we find out what accompanies the instrumental performance, what are the ways and forms of accompanying, what part of a song or musical piece is accompanied, how the score is written, and whether it includes improvisation and how it flows. All textbooks frequently include work with Orff Instruments, although in different ways, and in connection with various different activities. In the end we added 16 originally written accompaniments for working with Orff Instruments. Some are written for rhythmic as well as melodic instruments. Some are suitable for usage in the lower grades of Music Theory Lessons at a Music School, some for higher grades or in the Orff Orchestra.

Keywords:music school, Orff instruments, music theory lessons, cross-curricular connection, texbooks, originally written accompaniment, master's theses

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