In the sex addiction treatment, spouses are often neglected, excluded from counselling practice and left alone with their painful emotions and vulnerability. Present pilot study examines the level of co-dependency, emotional abuse and emotional neglect among partners of sex addicts, in comparison with the group intimately attached to nonsexual addicted individuals. Co-dependency was measured with Spann-Fischer Co-dependency Scale (SF CDS), emotional abuse and emotional neglect with Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ). The research sample consisted of 146 individuals (M = 32, SD = 10), including 123 women and 23 men. 27 % of participants were in the relationship with the sex addict, 24 % women and 3 % men. It was found that partners of sex addicts were significantly more likely to be co- dependent as the group of individuals intimately attached to nonsexual addicted partners and experienced moderate to severe measure of emotional abuse and emotional neglect in childhood.