
Vpliv glasbe v spletnih oglasih na razmerje med prikazi in kliki na oglase ter splošno doživljanje oglasov
ID Madunič, Katarina (Author), ID Babnik, Katarina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Slana Ozimič, Anka (Comentor)

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V magistrski nalogi smo proučevali vpliv glasbe v oglasih na učinkovitost oglasov, merjeno z razmerjem med prikazi in kliki (CTR) na družbenih omrežjih Facebook in YouTube. Ustvarili smo štiri oglase za prehranska dopolnila, ki so se razlikovali samo v glasbeni spremljavi (brez glasbe, osnovna glasba, božična in umirjena glasba) in izvedli A/B-test na omenjenih platformah. Za poglobitev razumevanja rezultatov, pridobljenih z A/B-testom, smo izvedli intervjuje in sledenje očesnim gibom. Rezultati so pokazali, da prisotnost glasbe sama po sebi v primerjavi z odsotnostjo glasbe ni vplivala na višji CTR na nobenem izmed družbenih omrežij. Prisotnost božične glasbe izven božičnega časa pa je na YouTube privedla do višjega CTR v primerjavi z oglasom brez glasbe, na družbenem omrežju Facebook pa do nižjega CTR v primerjavi z oglasom brez glasbe. Naši rezultati so tako pokazali, da ima dodajanje glasbe v oglas lahko nevtralen, pozitiven ali negativen vpliv na CTR. Zato je pomembno, da oglaševalci izberejo ustrezno glasbo za oglas. Raziskava je tudi pokazala, da skladnost glasbe z narativom oglasa v primerjavi s skladbo, ki so jo udeleženci intervjuja označili za neskladno, omogoča gledalcem lažje sledenje vsebini, kar povečuje pozitivno zaznavanje oglasa, kljub temu, glasba skladna z narativom ni rezultirala v višjem CTR. Rezultati naše raziskave omogočajo boljše razumevanje, kako glasba vpliva na potrošnike na različnih platformah, kar lahko oglaševalcem pomaga pri oblikovanju bolj ciljno usmerjenih in prilagojenih oglaševalskih kampanj za povečanje njihove učinkovitosti.

Keywords:oglaševanje, družbena omrežja, glasba, učinkovitost, kliki na oglas CTR
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[K. Madunič]
Number of pages:52 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-163755 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:216131075 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.10.2024
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Title:The impact of music in online advertisements on the click-through rate and the overall perception of advertisements
In this master's thesis, we examined the impact of music in advertisements on their effectiveness, measured by the click-through rate (CTR) on social media platforms Facebook and YouTube. We created four ads for supplements, differing only in the music used (no music, basic music, Christmas music, and calm music), and conducted an A/B test on these platforms. To gain a deeper understanding of the A/B test results, we also conducted interviews and used eye-tracking technology. The results showed that the presence of music by itself, compared to no music, did not lead to a higher CTR on either social media platform. However, the presence of Christmas music outside the holiday season resulted in a higher CTR on YouTube, while on Facebook, it led to a lower CTR, both compared to the ad without music. Our findings indicate that adding music to an ad can have a neutral, positive, or negative effect on the CTR. Therefore, advertisers must carefully choose appropriate music for the ad. The research also revealed that the congruence of the music with the ad's narrative, compared to the track that interview participants labeled as incongruent, allows viewers to follow the content more easily, which enhances the positive perception of the ad. However, the music aligned with the narrative did not result in a higher CTR. The results of our research provide a better understanding of how music influences consumers across different platforms, which can help advertisers design more targeted and customized advertising campaigns to improve their effectiveness.

Keywords:advertising, social media, music, effectiveness, click-through rate CTR

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