
Higiena rok pred operativnim posegom in oblikovanje priporočil za klinično okolje : diplomsko delo
ID Muršič, Lara (Author), ID Pajnič, Manca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Trotovšek, Tatjana (Comentor), ID Zore, Anamarija (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Higiena rok je najpreprostejši, najučinkovitejši in najcenejši ukrep za odstranjevanje mikroorganizmov z rok zdravstvenih delavcev. Priporočeni metodi za doseganje kirurške higiene rok sta tehnika kirurškega umivanja rok in tehnika kirurškega razkuževanja rok. Čeprav je kirurška higiena rok obvezna, v kliničnih smernicah ni standardnih protokolov o metodah in trajanju. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je raziskati higieno rok pred operativnim posegom, pregledati smernice in priporočila za njo ter oblikovati priporočila za higieno rok pred operativnim posegom za klinično okolje. Metode dela: V diplomskem delu smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo dela. Pregledana je bila znanstvena in strokovna literatura s področja higiene rok pred operativnim posegom. Iskanje literature je zajemalo slovenske, angleške in nemške jezikovne vire ter se je izvajalo od maja do junija 2024. Domačo in tujo literaturo smo iskali preko podatkovnih baz CINAHL, MEDLINE (PubMed), Scopus in s pomočjo oddaljenega dostopa digitalne knjižnice Univerze v Ljubljani (DiKUL). V končno analizo smo vključili pet virov, ki so zajemali smernice za higieno rok pred operativnim posegom. Rezultati: Rezultati kažejo, da je bilo skozi leta izdanih več različnih smernic. V vseh pregledanih smernicah lahko najdemo priporočila za kirurško umivanje in kirurško razkuževanje rok. Tako tudi v pregledanih raziskavah med obema metodama ne navajajo razlik, dokler so postopki izvedeni pravilno in pri njih zmanjšamo vsebnost mikroorganizmov na rokah zdravstvenih delavcev. Pri pregledu smo tudi oblikovali priporočila za uporabo smernic v kliničnem okolju, saj menimo, da bomo tako lahko spodbudili izvajalce k boljšemu in bolj natančnemu izvajanju ter pripomogli k varnejši obravnavi pacientov v slovenskih bolnišnicah. Razprava in zaključek: Ugotovili smo, da je higiena rok osnova za aseptično delo v operacijskem prostoru, kjer potrebujemo natančnost in doslednost. Na podlagi ugotovitev, ki smo jih pridobili, smo se odločili za oblikovanje novih smernic, saj upamo, da bomo s pomočjo vizualnega prikaza lahko dosegli večje sodelovanje pri pravilnem izvajanju kirurške higiene rok.

Keywords:diplomska dela, zdravstvena nega, kirurško umivanje rok, kirurško razkuževanje rok, smernice
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[L. Muršič]
Number of pages:23 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-163719 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:211128579 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.10.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Hand hygiene before surgery and a preparation of recommendations for the clinical environment : diploma work
Introduction: Hand hygiene is the simplest, most effective and cheapest measure for removing microorganisms from the hands of healthcare workers. The recommended methods for achieving surgical hand hygiene are the surgical hand washing technique and the surgical hand disinfection technique. Although surgical hand hygiene is mandatory, there are no standard protocols in clinical guidelines on the methods and duration of hand hygiene alone. Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to investigate preoperative hand hygiene, review guidelines and recommendations for it, and formulate preoperative hand hygiene recommendations for the clinical environment. Work methods: In the diploma thesis, we used a descriptive work method. Scientific and professional literature in the field of hand hygiene before surgery was reviewed. The literature search covered Slovenian, English and German language sources and was carried out from May to June 2024. Domestic and foreign literature was searched through the databases CINAHL, MEDLINE (PubMed), Scopus and with the help of remote access of the digital library of the University of Ljubljana (DiKUL ). In the final analysis, we included 5 sources that included guidelines for hand hygiene before surgery. Results: The results show that several different guidelines have been issued over the years. Recommendations for surgical hand washing and surgical hand disinfection can be found in all reviewed guidelines. Thus, even in the reviewed research, they do not indicate differences between the two methods, as long as the procedures are carried out correctly and they reduce the content of microorganisms on the hands of healthcare workers. During the review, we also formulated recommendations for the use of the guidelines in the clinical environment, as we believe that in this way we will be able to encourage providers to implement them better and more accurately, and will thereby contribute to the safer treatment of patients in Slovenian hospitals. Discussion and conclusion: We found that hand hygiene is the basis for aseptic work in the operating room, which requires precision and consistency. Based on the findings we obtained, we decided to create new guidelines, as we hope that with the help of a visual display, we will be able to achieve greater cooperation in the correct implementation of surgical hand hygiene.

Keywords:diploma theses, nursing care, surgical hand washing, surgical hand disinfection, guidelines

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