
Vpliv lizofosfatidilholina na interakcijo proteina ostreolizina A6 z umetnimi lipidnimi membranami
ID Marton, Anja (Author), ID Sepčić, Kristina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Poklar Ulrih, Nataša (Comentor)

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Protein ostreolizin A6 (OlyA6), iz gobe Pleurotus ostreatus je 15 kDa velik protein, ki prepoznava in se veže na membranske sfingolipidne receptorje, ob povezavi v proteinski dvokomponentni kompleks z večjim proteinom pleurotolizinom B (PlyB) pa tvori transmembranske pore. Vezavo OlyA6 na membrano lahko oslabimo ali preprečimo z dodatkom mono- ali di- nenasičenega fosfatidilholina, z zamenjavo holesterola z drugimi naravnimi steroli ali derivati holesterola, ter z dodatkom mikromolarnih koncentracij maščobnih kislin ali lizofosfolipidov, kot je lizofosfatidilholin (LPC). Visoke koncentracije LPC delujejo kot naravni detergenti, ki lizirajo membrano, nižje koncentracije pa inhibirajo nastanek por, ki jih tvorijo kompleksi OlyA6/PlyB. V magistrskem delu smo raziskali vpliv LPC na interakcijo OlyA6 z umetno pripravljenimi membranami, ki vsebujejo sfingolipidne receptorje ali pa glicerofosfolipid kardiolipin. Uporaba metode sipanja fluorescence je pokazala, da dodatek LPC vpliva na fizikalne lastnosti urejene lipidne faze membrane. Meritve anizotropije in polarizacije so potrdile, da povišana temperatura in dodatek LPC zmanjšata parameter urejenosti membran. S testom sproščanja kalceina smo pokazali, da dodatek LPC inhibira vezavo in porotvorno aktivnost kompleksov OlyA6/PlyB, saj zmanjšuje število prostih domen obogatenih s sfingolipidi in holesterolom, ki predstavljajo vezavno mesto za OlyA6. Preverili smo tudi interakcijo OlyA6 z umetno pripravljenimi lipidnimi vezikli, pri čemer smo ugotovili, da je količina vezanega OlyA6 odvisna od koncentracije dodanega LPC.

Keywords:Lizofosfatidilholin, ostreolizin A6, lipidna membrana, lipidni rafti, ceramid fosfoetanolamin, sfingomielin, kardiolipin
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-163674 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.10.2024
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Title:Effect of lysophosphatidylcholine on the interaction of ostreolysin A6 protein with artificial lipid membranes
Ostreolysin A6 (OlyA6), from the mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus, is a 15 kDa protein that specifically senses sphingolipid membrane receptors. In combination with a larger protein pleurotolysin B (PlyB), it assembles into complexes which form transmembrane pores. The membrane binding of OlyA6 can be decreased or prevented by the addition of mono- or di-unsaturated phosphatidylcholine, by replacing cholesterol with other natural sterols or cholesterol derivatives, or by the addition of micromolar concentrations of fatty acids or lysophospholipids such as lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC). High concentrations of LPC act as natural detergents that lyse the membrane, while lower concentractions prevent the formation of OlyA6/PlyB membrane pores. In this Master's thesis, we investigated the influence of LPC on the interaction of OlyA6 with artificial lipid membranes containing sphingolipid receptors, or a glycerophospholipid cardiolipin. Using the fluorescence scattering method, we showed that the addition of LPC affects the ordering of lipid membrane phase. Anisotropy and polarization measurements confirmed that the increased temperature and the addition of LPC slightly reduce the membrane order parameter. Using the calcein release test, we showed that the addition of LPC inhibits the binding and pore-forming activity of OlyA6/PlyB complexes, as it reduces the number of sphingolipid/chlesterol OlyA6 binding sites. We also monitored the interaction of OlyA6 with artificially prepared lipid vesicles and found that the amount of bound OlyA6 depends on the concentration of LPC added.

Keywords:Lysophosphatidylcholine, ostreolysin A6, lipid membrane, lipid rafts, ceramide phosphoethanolamine, sphingomyelin, cardiolipin

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