
Vpliv javnopolitičnih omrežij na ozelenitev SKP na primeru živinoreje
ID Jerina-Ljubojevič, Lina (Author), ID Lovec, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo s pomočjo teorije javnopolitičnih omrežij analizira zakonodajni postopek sprejemanja novega paketa Skupne kmetijske politike EU (SKP) od leta 2017 do konca leta 2021. Namen naloge je bil analizirati vpliv akterjev v omrežju SKP na vključevanje okoljskih zahtev v to politiko, predvsem na primeru sektorja živinoreje. Kmetijstvo občutno prispeva k degradaciji okolja in podnebnim spremembam, sektor živinoreje pa je odgovoren za več kot polovico teh emisij. Integracija okoljskih politik v SKP se je začela že v 90. letih prejšnjega stoletja, od leta 2013 pa je zelena komponenta SKP ena ključnih poudarkov politike. Kljub obsežnemu financiranju in naporom za ozelenitev SKP se emisije iz kmetijstva v EU že več kot deset let niso znižale. Zakaj se torej Unija emisij iz kmetijstva in živinoreje ne loti bolj ambiciozno, kljub lastnim ciljem doseganja podnebne nevtralnosti? Odgovor na to vprašanje sem iskala v javnopolitičnem omrežju SKP in v odnosih med akterji, ki so vpeti v sprejemanje kmetijske zakonodaje. Analiza ključnih akterjev znotraj Komisije in Parlamenta kaže na to, da instituciji nista interesno nevtralni. Znotraj parlamentarnega odbora za kmetijstvo sedijo poslanci, ki so sami prejemniki SKP sredstev ali so na druge načine povezani s kmetijstvom. Generalni direktorat za kmetijstvo pri Komisiji je tesno povezan s kmetijsko lobistično skupino COPA-COGECA. Nevladne okoljske organizacije, ki so glasne nasprotnice usmeritev nove (okoljsko neambiciozne) SKP, pa imajo le obroben vpliv v omrežju in zakonodajnem postopku.

Keywords:kmetijstvo, živinoreja, podnebne spremembe, javnopolitična omrežja, Skupna kmetijska politika EU (SKP)
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-163632 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.10.2024
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Title:The impact of policy networks on the greening of the CAP - the case of livestock farming
This master thesis uses policy network theory to analyse the legislative process of the adoption of the new EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) package from 2017 to the end of 2021. The aim of the thesis was to analyse the impact of actors in the CAP network on the integration of environmental requirements into the policy, in particular through the example of the livestock sector. Agriculture is a significant contributor to environmental degradation and climate change, and the livestock sector is responsible for more than half of these emissions. The integration of environmental policies into the CAP started in the 1990s, and since 2013 the green component of the CAP has been one of the key focuses of the policy. Despite massive funding and efforts to make the CAP greener, emissions from agriculture in the EU have not been reduced for more than ten years. So why is the EU not taking a more ambitious approach to emissions from agriculture and livestock farming, despite its own climate neutrality targets? I have sought the answer to this question in the CAP public policy network and in the relations between the actors involved in the adoption of agricultural legislation. An analysis of the key actors within the Commission and Parliament shows that the institutions are not interest-neutral. Within the Parliament's Committee on Agriculture sit MEPs who are themselves recipients of CAP funding or are in other ways linked to agriculture. The Commission's Directorate-General for Agriculture has close links with the agricultural lobby group COPA-COGECA. Environmental NGOs, which are vocal opponents of the orientations of the new (environmentally unambitious) CAP, have only marginal influence in the network and the legislative process.

Keywords:agriculture, livestock farming, climate change, policy networks, EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)

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