
Spreobračanje judov na območju koprske škofije med 15. in 18. stoletjem
ID Preložnik, Andrej (Author)

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V treh obalnih mestih srednjeveške koprske škofije – Kopru, Izoli in Piranu – se judje naselijo konec 14. stoletja. Njihov prihod spodbudijo potrebe mest, ki po propadu toskanskih bank niso imela možnosti za kreditiranje razvijajočega gospodarstva. Ob nekaterih iz arhivskih virov dokaj dobro znanih bančnikih moramo upoštevati tudi sloj revnejšega prebivalstva služabnikov in kramarjev. Šlo je za male skupnosti, sestavljene iz posameznih rodbin, ki so bile v izrazito katoliškem okolju tolerirane, vendar v tesnem stiku z večinskim prebivalstvom včasih deležne dobrohotnega ali tudi nasilnega spreobračanja. Za obravnavano območje še ni sistematične študije, ki bi se ukvarjala s to tematiko, znanih pa je nekaj arhivskih ali pisnih virov, ki so tako ali drugače povezani z njo. Čeprav gre večinoma za kratke notice ali opombe znotraj drugih razprav, ki gotovo ne predstavljajo celotnega ozadja teh naključno napaberkovanih zgodb, nam do neke mere vseeno omogočajo predstavo o dinamiki tovrstnih odnosov med verskima skupnostma in hkrati o formalnem stališču oblasti do spreobračanja in verske svobode med 15. in 18. stoletjem.

Keywords:Judje, koprska škofija, Piran, spreobrnitve, inkvizicija
Work type:Article
Typology:1.02 - Review Article
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
Publication status:Published
Publication version:Version of Record
Publication date:01.01.2021
Number of pages:Str. 243-259
Numbering:Letn. 76, št. 1
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-163529 This link opens in a new window
ISSN on article:2335-4127
DOI:10.34291/Edinost/76/Preloznik This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:62086403 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.10.2024
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Record is a part of a journal

Title:Edinost in dialog : revija za ekumensko teologijo in medreligijski dialog
Publisher:Inštitut za ekumensko teologijo in medreligijski dialog pri Teološki fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani, Inštitut Stanka Janežiča za dogmatično, osnovno in ekumensko teologijo ter religiologijo in dialog, Teološka fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani
COBISS.SI-ID:268194560 This link opens in a new window

Secondary language

Title:The conversion of Jews in the area of the diocese of Koper between the 15th and 18th Centuries
Jews settled in three coastal towns of the medieval diocese of Koper (Capodistria) – Koper, Izola and Piran – at the end of the 14th century. They came there stimulated by the needs of cities that, after the collapse of Tuscan banks, did not have the financial sources to support the developing economy. In addition to some bankers who are fairly well known from archival sources, we also have to consider a layer of the poorer population of servants and merchants. These were relatively small communities composed of few families, which were tolerated in a distinctly Catholic environment, but in close contact with the majority population sometimes received a benevolent or even aggressive pressure to convert. For studied region, there is no systematic study about this topic yet. However, there are some archival or written sources related to it in one way or another. Although these are mostly short notes or remarks within other discussions, which certainly do not represent the whole background of these stories, they still give us some idea of the dynamics of that kind of relations between religious communities and at the same time the formal position of the Venetian and local authorities about conversions and freedom of faith between 15th and 18th century.

Keywords:Jews, Diocese of Koper, Piran, conversions, inquisition

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