Christianity has existed for more than 2000 years, however, we, the Christians, are
still obliged to continuously enlighten, research and even prove the reality of our religion.
In addition, throughout the centuries Christianity faced various interpretations of origin,
demands and reality of the tradition, based on the earthly path of the Saviour Jesus Christ.
There were (and still are) continuous deviations of basic doctrine, in particular in connection
to origin of the Church, which was supposedly established directly with the work and teaching
of Jesus Christ. Hence, continual research, explanation and proof of the reality of His doc-
trine are of great importance. Throughout his life France Perko strove to speak in a clearer,
unambiguous manner about the emergence, origin and the purpose of Christ’s Church.
He emphasized the importance to speak objectively about this topic, with arguments based
on historical facts and supported by patristic sources and the Holy Bible in the light of rea-
son. (1971, 2–3). Furthermore, this was his ecumenism leitmotiv while searching for a way
to join paths of different Christian Churches. Perko did not stand for complete equality of all
Christian Churches as he knew that was impossible. He chose to search for common grounds
in diversity. Moreover, he believed that diversity can be additionally enriching. (35–36)