
Vpliv ritma in skladnosti gibanja na uspešnost izvajanja ritmičnih sestav
ID Zobec, Neža (Author), ID Čuk, Ivan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Rode, Mojca (Comentor)

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Ritmika je športna zvrst, ki združuje usklajeno gibanje telesa in obvladovanje drobnih orodij z ritmom in melodijo glasbe. Z raziskavo smo želeli ugotoviti, katere gibalne sposobnosti napovedujejo uspešnost pri študentih Fakultete za šport pri predmetu ritmike. Zanimalo nas je ali nekateri merski postopki, izvajanja ritmičnih gibanj in upravljanja z drobnim orodjem, lahko napovejo uspešnost pri izvajanju sestave z žogo, s trakom, z obročem ali s kolebnico. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 37 študentov in študentk. Meritve smo izvedli s štirimi merskimi postopki: bobnanje z rokami in nogami, premikanje v prostoru s ploskanjem po ritmu, podajanje žoge iz roke v roko skozi obroč in tek s preskakovanjem kolebnice na vsak tretji korak. Ocene smo pridobili z ocenjevanjem izvedbe skupinskih sestav z različnimi drobnimi orodji, žogo, obročem, trakom in kolebnico. Na podlagi regresijske analize smo ugotovili, da merski postopki ne napovedujejo uspešnosti pri sestavah z obročem, žogo in trakom vendar so pojasnili 28,3 % končne ocene sestave s kolebnico. Preostalih 71,7 % spremenljivosti v oceni je mogoče pripisati drugim dejavnikom, ki niso zajeti v raziskavi. Četudi je značilnost zelo nizka, se je merski postopek korakanja izkazal, kot najpomembnejši napovedovalec ocene sestave s kolebnico.

Keywords:ritmika, ritem, skladnost gibanja, gibalne sposobnosti, merski postopki
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-163384 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.10.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The impact of rhythm and coordination on the performance success in rhythmic gymnastics routines
Rhythmic gymnastics is a sport that combines coordinated body movements and the handling of apparatus with the rhythm and melody of music. The aim of this research was to identify which motor abilities predict success among students of the Faculty of Sport in the subject of rhythmic gymnastics. We sought to determine whether certain tests of rhythmic movements and apparatus handling could predict performance in routines with a ball, ribbon, hoop, or rope. The study involved 37 students. We used four tests: drumming with hands and feet, marching and clapping to the beat, passing the ball from hand to hand through a hoop, and skipping rope on every third step. The students' performances were evaluated based on group routines using four apparatus, including the ball, hoop, ribbon, and rope. A regression analysis revealed that the tests did not predict performance in routines with the hoop, ball, or ribbon; however, they explained 28.3% of the final score in the rope routine. The remaining 71.7% of variability in the rope routine score can be attributed to other factors not covered in the research. Although the significance was low, the marching test emerged as the most important predictor of the rope routine score.

Keywords:rhythmic gymnastics, rhythm, coordination, motor abilities, tests

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