
In vitro model prirojenega imunskega odziva na različne seve streptokokov skupine B
ID Janžič, Larisa (Author), ID Kopitar, Andreja Nataša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Streptokoki skupine B (GBS) ostajajo vodilni vzrok invazivnih neonatalnih okužb, ki se običajno kažejo kot sepsa, meningitis ali pljučnica. Do danes je opisanih 10 različnih serotipov (Ia, Ib, II – IX), ki se razlikujejo po svoji virulenci in imunskem odzivu, ki ga sprožijo. Ker ob porodna antibiotična profilaksa učinkovito prepreči le zgodnje oblike bolezni, so potrebne dodatne raziskave z GBS povezane patogeneze. Z uporabo različnih imunoloških, mikroskopskih in genetskih metod smo raziskali, kako genotipske in fenotipske razlike med posameznimi sevi GBS vplivajo na prirojeni imunski odziv makrofagov na več ravneh, od fagocitnega privzema do fenotipizacije makrofagov, proizvodnje citokinov, celične smrti in metabolnih sprememb. Opazili smo pomembne, sevno specifične razlike na vseh ravneh makrofagnega odziva. Naši rezultati kažejo, da imajo različni sevi različen potencial da postanejo invazivni ali ostanejo kolonizacijski. Nadalje smo pokazali tudi, da različni sevi različno močno prožijo vnetne odzive ter, da posamezni sevi močno inducirajo nastanek vnetne celične smrti, piroptoze. Prav tako smo kot prvi dokazali razlike v metabolizmu okuženih makrofagov, ki je pomembno vpleten v izvršitev ustreznih efektorskih funkcij imunskih celic. Dobljeni rezultati nakazujejo, da resnost bolezni ni odvisna le od imunskega stanja posameznika, temveč tudi od seva samega, saj okužba z različnimi sevi vodi do pomembnih razlik v imunskem odzivu makrofagov. Pridobljeni podatki bi lahko v prihodnosti služili za diagnostične namene, kjer bi iz bakterijskega seva samega lahko napovedali resnost in prognozo bolezni.

Keywords:streptokoki skupine B, makrofagi, fagocitoza, imunometabolizem, citokini, piroptoza, imunski odziv
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[L. Janžič]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-163155 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:209974531 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.10.2024
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Secondary language

Title:In vitro model of innate immune response to different strains of group B Streptococcus
Group B Streptococci remain one of the main causes of invasive neonatal infections, which usually manifest as sepsis, meningitis, or pneumonia. To date, 10 different serotypes (Ia, Ib, II – IX) have been described, which differ in their virulence and the immune response they trigger. Since intrapartum antibiotic prophylaxis is only effective in preventing an early onset of the disease, further research into GBS-associated pathogenesis is needed. Using various immunological, microscopic and genetic methods, we have investigated how genotypic and phenotypic differences between GBS isolates affect the innate immune response of macrophages at multiple levels, from phagocytic uptake to phenotyping, cytokine production, cell death and metabolic changes. Significant isolate-specific differences were observed at all levels of macrophage response. Our data also suggest that different isolates have different potential to become invasive or remain colonizing. We have further shown that different isolates induce different levels of inflammatory responses and that individual isolates strongly induce inflammatory cell death, pyroptosis. Furthermore, differences in macrophage metabolism, which is crucial for proper effector functions of immune cells, were also observed for the first time. Our data suggest that the severity of the disease depends not only on the immune status of the individual but also on the isolate itself, as infection with different isolates leads to significant differences in the immune response of macrophages. The data obtained could prove useful for diagnostic purposes in the future, whereby the bacterial isolate itself could be used to deduce the prognosis of the disease.

Keywords:group B Streptococcus, macrophages, phagocytosis, immunometabolism, cytokines, pyroptosis, immune response

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