My master's thesis revolves around self-representation through the use of one's own body in visual arts. I am particularly interested in how to introduce the discourse of identity into this kind of approach to art in such a way that is specific to the life experiences and interests of its authors. In the theoretical part, I first dedicate a few words to the definition of the concept of identity, which I then narrow down to discourses about identity and identity politics in art, the structure of the self, Harré's model of the person, female identity and self-representation. I then analyze the photographic work of Cindy Sherman and Claude Cahun, as well as paintings of Nicole Eisenman, Frida Kahlo and Christina Quarles, whose approach to artistic creation includes elements that are similar to my own artistic praxis. I am interested in how they use self-representation within their works, in what way they portray their own image, whether they want to draw from autobiographical narratives or portray completely different stories and lastly, what they want to communicate to the viewer. Finally, I will link the completed research to the justification of my own artistic practice.