
Vpliv virtualne ograje na dobrobit živali
ID Paradiž, Žan (Author), ID Jordan, Dušanka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Virtualna ograja (VF) je novejši sistem ograjevanja pašnikov za živali brez uporabe fiksne ograje. Namen naloge je bil podrobneje proučiti delovanje VF ter njen vpliv na dobrobit živali. Sistem VF uporablja GPS ovratnico z napravama za zvočni (ZD) in električni dražljaj (ED), ki jo mora imeti vsaka žival, ter navidezno ograjo, kateri lokacijo in potek rejec določi z aplikacijo za nadzor in spremljanje sistema. V kolikor žival prekorači VF, se na ovratnici sproži ED nizke napetosti, ki živali povzroči neugodje in s tem stres. Ker se lokacija VF spreminja, se mora žival vedno znova naučiti, kje poteka nevidna ograja. Da bi čim bolj zmanjšali število ED, ki jih je žival deležna, se na določeni razdalji od VF sproži ZD, kot opozorilo živali, da se približuje območju neprijetnega ED. Živali se že v roku enega tedna naučijo, da ZD napoveduje ED in kaj morajo narediti, da se izognejo ED. Posledično se po prvem tednu privajanja na sistem VF, število ED znatno zmanjša, število ZD pa ostaja dokaj visoko. Po prestavitvi na novo čredinko se število ED znatno ne poveča, število ZD pa je v tednu po prestavitvi višje. ED nizke napetosti živalim ne povzroči večjega stresa kot npr. redna rejska opravila, kot so tehtanje ali imobilizacija glave v lovilno-negovalnem boksu. S spremljanjem kazalnikov stresa (npr. koncentracija kortizola, β-endorfina, haptoglobina in ceruloplazmina, frekvenca srčnega utripa, konzumacija krme, prireja mleka, telesna masa) so potrdili, da VF nima daljšega negativnega vpliva na živali in njihovo dobrobit.

Keywords:živinoreja, rejne živali, paša, virtualne ograje, dobrobit živali
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-163067 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:210689027 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.10.2024
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Title:The impact of virtual fence on animal welfare
The virtual fence (VF) is a newer system for fencing pastures for animals without the use of a fixed fence. The aim of thesis was to investigate the functioning of the VF and its effect on animal welfare. The VF system uses a GPS collar with devices for acoustic stimuli (AS) and electrical stimuli (ES), which each animal must wear, and a virtual fence, the location of which is determined by the breeder using an app to control and monitor the system. When the animal crosses the VF, a low voltage ES is triggered on the collar, which is uncomfortable and stressful for the animal. As the location of the VF changes, the animal must constantly learn where the invisible fence is located. To minimize the number of ESs the animal receives, a AS is triggered at a certain distance from the VF to warn the animal that it is approaching the area of the unpleasant ES. Within a week, the animals learn that the AS signals the ES and what they need to do to avoid the ES. Consequently, after the first week of acclimatization to the VF system the number of ESs decreases significantly, while the number of ASs remains quite high. After moving to a new paddock, the number of ESs does not increase significantly, but the number of ASs increases in the first week in the new paddock. Low voltage ESs do not cause the animals any more stress than regular breeding tasks such as weighing or immobilizing the head in a crush. Monitoring of stress indicators (e.g. cortisol, β-endorphin, haptoglobin and ceruloplasmin concentrations, heart rate, feed consumption, milk production, body weight) confirmed that VF has no prolonged negative effects on the animals and their welfare.

Keywords:animal production, farm animals, pasture, virtual fences, animal welfare

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