
Začetni pouk kitare - alternativni avtorski pristop : magistrska naloga
ID Hren, Kristjan (Author), ID Rotar Pance, Branka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Uvajanje začetnikov v kitarsko igranje v Sloveniji poteka po ustaljenih poteh preko uveljavljene literature, ki je med slovensko kitarsko stroko že od samega začetka sistematizacije kitarskega poučevanja, kot tudi preko novejših kitarskih priročnikov. Ob tem učnem procesu pa pri nekaterih kitarskih začetnikih prihaja do težav pri usvajanju tehničnih prvin kitarske igre in razumevanju temeljnih konceptov teorije glasbe, kar otežuje njihov napredek in zaradi česar trpi njihovo šolanje, v kolikor omenjena problematika ni pravilno ali pravočasno naslovljena. Najprej se seznanimo z nekaterimi cilji učnega načrta za kitaro in izpostavimo literaturo, ki so najpogostejši vir kitarskim pedagogom in preko katere večina začetnikov začne z uvajanjem v kitarsko igro, nato pa spoznamo problematiko, s katero se kitarski pedagogi soočamo in na kratko predstavimo najpogostejše oblike zapisov glasbe, ki za zapis ne uporabljajo notnega sistema in so, zaradi njihove preprostejše narave, kitarskim začetnikom enostavnejše za branje. Nato predstavimo principe in opišemo koncepte za zbirko uvajalnih vaj, s katerimi smo se prej omenjeni problematiki pri kitarskih začetnikih v kvalitativnem delu raziskave uvajanja novosti pri kitarskem pouku skušali izogniti. Sledi dvodelni empirični del, kjer v prvem delu s kvantitativno raziskavo upravičimo nadaljnji drugi kvalitativni del, kjer smo učinkovitost alternativnega avtorskega pristopa testirali tudi na terenu. Za inicialno raziskavo je bil oblikovan vprašalnik, s katerim smo med slovenskimi učitelji kitare (N = 63) ugotavljali, kako razširjeni in pa pogosti so ti problemi pri učencih kitare v slovenskem prostoru po navedbah njihovih učiteljev. Za kvalitativni del smo dvem kitarskim pedagogom razložili progresijo uvajanja začetnikov po sestavljeni pripravnici in z njima po končani uvajalni dobi izvedli intervju, kjer smo poizvedovali o praktični učinkovitosti predstavljenega alternativnega avtorskega pristopa pri začetnem učenju kitare. V sklepnem delu rezultate še povzamemo in ovrednotimo.

Keywords:poučevanje kitare, kitarski začetniki, pripravnica, kitarska tehnika, alternativni avtorski pristop, magistrske naloge
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:AG - Academy of Music
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:K. Hren
Number of pages:72 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-163051 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:209725955 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.10.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Beginners guitar class - authors alternative approach
The introduction of beginners to guitar playing in Slovenia follows the established paths through the established literature, which has been among the Slovenian guitar profession since the very beginning of the systematization of guitar teaching, as well as through more recent guitar manuals. However, in this learning process, some beginner guitarists have difficulties in mastering the technical elements of guitar playing and in understanding the fundamental concepts of music theory, which hampers their progress and makes their education suffer if the above-mentioned problems are not addressed correctly or in time. We first introduce some of the objectives of the guitar curriculum and highlight the literature that is the most common resource for guitar educators and through which most beginners begin their introduction to guitar playing, and then we introduce the issues facing guitar educators and briefly present the most common forms of music notation, which do not use a notation system and, due to their simpler nature, are easier for beginner guitarists to read. We then present the principles and describe the concepts behind a set of introductory exercises that we have used to try to avoid the aforementioned problems for beginner guitarists in the qualitative part of our research into the introduction of innovations in guitar tuition. This is followed by a two-part empirical section, where in the first part we use quantitative research to justify the subsequent second qualitative part, where we also tested the effectiveness of the alternative authoring approach in the field. For the initial study, a questionnaire was designed to find out how widespread and how common these problems are among guitar beginners, according to their teachers (N = 63). For the qualitative part, we explained to two guitar teachers the progression of introducing beginners after the composite apprenticeship and interviewed them after the introductory period to inquire about the practical effectiveness of the presented alternative authoring approach in initial guitar learning. In the final part of the paper we summarize and evaluate the results

Keywords:guitar teaching, guitar beginners, introductory course, guitar technique, author’s alternative approach, master's theses

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