
Določitev toplotne obdelave medfaznega žarjenja za aluminijevo zlitino EN AW-3057 na podlagi mehanskih lastnosti in entalpijske bilance : diplomsko delo
ID Smogavec, Žiga (Author), ID Vončina, Maja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kraner, Jakob (Comentor)

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Diplomsko delo se osredotoča na opredelitev optimalne toplotne obdelave medfaznega žarjenja za aluminijevo zlitino EN AW-3057, ki spada v skupino 3XXX in vsebuje mangan kot glavni legirni element. Aluminij, znan po svoji lahkosti, korozijski odpornosti in dobri električni prevodnosti, je ključnega pomena v industrijah, kot so letalstvo, avtomobilizem in embalaža. Mehanske lastnosti aluminijevih zlitin so lahko močno odvisne od sestave zlitine in uporabljenih postopkov toplotne obdelave, pri čemer ima pri gnetnih zlitinah medfazno žarjenje pomembno vlogo pri nadzoru mikrostrukture in s tem mehanskih lastnosti. V raziskavi smo analizirali vpliv različnih temperatur in časov medfaznega žarjenja na mehanske lastnosti zlitine EN AW-3057, kot so natezna trdnost, meja tečenja in raztezek. Cilj je bil ugotoviti, ali vsi parametri medfaznega žarjenja zagotavljajo mehanske lastnosti, ki so skladne s standardnimi zahtevami za zlitino EN AW-3057. Nato smo z uporabo diferenčne vrstične kalorimetrije ugotavljali, ali se entalpija taljenja in strjevanja glede na trenuten postopek medfaznega žarjenja v industriji, ki poteka pri 350 °C in 3 h, spreminja ob spremembi temperature in časa medfaznega žarjenja. Rezultati analiz kažejo, da lahko pravilno izbran postopek medfaznega žarjenja bistveno izboljša mehanske lastnosti aluminijeve zlitine EN AW-3057. Ugotovili smo, da skoraj vse toplotne obdelave, katere smo opravili, zagotavljajo mehanske lastnosti, ki so skladne s standardnimi zahtevami za našo zlitino. Le toplotna obdelava na 250 °C in 1 h ne ustreza temu standardu. Prav tako smo ugotovili, da je postopek medfaznega žarjenja na 300 °C in 2 h najbolj optimalen, saj vrednosti mehanskih lastnosti niso na zgornji ali spodnji meji dopustnega intervala vrednosti, ki jih zahteva standard. Prav tako smo ugotovili, da pravilno izbran postopek medfaznega žarjenja zmanjša energetske potrebe postopka. Entalpiji taljenja in strjevanja se v primeru trenutnega režima medfaznega žarjenja (350 °C – 3 h) zmanjšata po izvedbi toplotne obdelave. Za primer optimizirane toplotne obdelave (300 °C – 2 h) pa se v primerjavi s trdim stanjem materiala (H18) entalpiji taljenja in strjevanja rahlo povečata. Takšna optimizacija je pomembna za industrijo, saj prispeva k trajnostni proizvodnji in učinkoviti uporabi aluminijevih zlitin, kjer so nizka teža, visoka trdnost in energetska učinkovitost ključnega pomena.

Keywords:EN AW-3057, toplotna obdelava, DSC analiza, natezni preizkus, procesne mape
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:Ž. Smogavec
Number of pages:XI, 38 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-163040 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:212699139 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.10.2024
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Title:Determination of interfacial annealing heat treatment for aluminium alloy EN AW-3057 on the mechanical properties and enthalpy balance basis : diploma work
This thesis focuses on determining the optimal process annealing heat treatment for the aluminum alloy EN AW-3057, which belongs to the 3XXX series and contains manganese as the main alloying element. Aluminum, known for its light weight, corrosion resistance, and good electrical conductivity, is crucial in industries such as aerospace, automotive, and packaging. The mechanical properties of aluminum alloys can be significantly influenced by the alloy composition and the applied heat treatment processes, where process annealing plays an important role in controlling the microstructure and thus the mechanical properties of wrought alloys. In this research, we analyzed the impact of different temperatures and durations of process annealing on the mechanical properties of the EN AW-3057 alloy, such as tensile strength, yield strength, and elongation. The goal was to determine whether all the parameters of inter-annealing ensure mechanical properties that meet the standard requirements for the EN AW-3057 alloy. Using differential scanning calorimetry, we then investigated whether the enthalpy of melting and solidification changes compared to the current industrial process annealing, which is conducted at 350 °C for 3 h, changes when the temperature and time of the process annealing change. The analysis results indicate that a properly selected process annealing can significantly improve the mechanical properties of the aluminum alloy EN AW-3057. We found that almost all the heat treatments we performed provided mechanical properties consistent with the standard requirements for our alloy. Only the heat treatment conducted at 250 °C for 1 h did not meet this standard. We also determined that the process annealing at 300 °C for 2 h is the most optimal, as the values of the mechanical properties are neither at the upper nor the lower limit of the permissible range required by the standard. Additionally, we discovered that a properly chosen process annealing reduces the energy requirements of the procedure. The enthalpies of melting and solidification decrease after the heat treatment in the case of the current process annealing regime (350 °C – 3 h). In the case of optimized heat treatment (300 °C – 2 h), compared to the hard state of the material (H18), the enthalpies of melting and solidification slightly increase. Such optimization is important for the industry as it contributes to sustainable production and efficient use of aluminum alloys, where low weight, high strength, and energy efficiency are of crucial importance.

Keywords:EN AW-3057, heat treatment, DSC analysis, tensile test, process maps

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