
Mladi in prehod v zaposlitev
ID Lovšin, Anja (Author), ID Živoder, Andreja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Vstop mladih na trg dela se začne z izobraževanjem, ki mladim predstavlja vse večji del življenja pri vstopu v odraslost. Včasih je bil prehod iz mladosti v odraslost veliko bolj enosmeren. Mladi so po primarnem ali sekundarnem izobraževanju zapustili svet šolanja, si ustvarili družino in vstopili na trg dela. Danes pa se je obdobje prehoda podaljšalo. Vedno več mladih se poda v terciarna izobraževanja, ki podaljšajo mladostno dobo in prehod v odraslost ponesejo tudi v pozna trideseta leta. Tako mladi vstopajo na trg dela vedno pozneje in s pomanjkanjem delovnih izkušenj. Na trgu dela mladi predstavljajo eno izmed ranljivejših skupin in prehod v zaposlitev jim ni zagotovljen. Mladi se soočajo z negotovostjo gospodarstva in nestabilnostjo na trgu dela. V svoji kvalitativni raziskavi sem izvedla intervjuje z desetimi posamezniki, ki so končali vsaj dodiplomski študij in so že pridobili prvo zaposlitev. Moj cilj je bil ugotoviti, zakaj so izbrali določeno fakulteto, koliko časa so potrebovali do prve zaposlitve, kakšne so njihove izkušnje z izobraževanjem in zaposlitvijo ter kaj si želijo za prihodnost. Ugotovila sem, da se mladi zavedajo pomembnosti izkušenj na trgu dela in zato izražajo željo po več praktičnem usposabljanju. V veliki večini so s samo izbiro in potekom študija zadovoljni. V nasprotju s teoretičnim izhodiščem pripovedujejo o hitri zaposlitvi in pozitivnih izkušnjah.

Keywords:izobraževanje, mladi, prva zaposlitev, trg dela, pričakovanja.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-163021 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.10.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Young individuals and the transition into employment
Young individuals entry into the labor market begins with education, which represents an increasingly large part of young people's lives as they enter adulthood. The transition from youth to adulthood used to be more one-way. Young individuals left school after primary or secondary education, started a family and entered the labor market. Today, the transition period has been prolonged. More and more young individuals are entering tertiary education, which prolongs their youth and brings the transition to adulthood into their late thirties. Young individuals enter the labor market much later and with a lack of experience. Young individuals in the labor market represent one of the most vulnerable groups and their transition to employment is not guaranteed. Young individuals also face the uncertainty of the economy and the instability of the labor market. In my qualitative research, I conducted interviews with ten individuals who had completed at least an undergraduate degree and had already obtained their first job. My goal was to find out why they chose certain colleges, how long it took them to get their first job, what are their experiences with education and employment, and what they wish for the future. I found that young people are aware of the importance of experience in the labor market and therefore express a desire for more practical training. The vast majority are satisfied with their choice and course of study. Contrary to the theoretical starting point, they tell about quick employment and positive experiences.

Keywords:education, young individuals, first employment, labour market, expectations.

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