
Pametni telefoni kot nova medijska orodja: spremembe v izobraževalni in socialni dinamiki mladostnikov
ID Mitrović, Miloš (Author), ID Oblak Črnič, Tanja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Koren Ošljak, Katja (Comentor)

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Diplomsko delo obravnava vpliv pametnih telefonov na različne vidike življenja mladostnikov, s posebnim poudarkom na izobraževalnih procesih in socialnih interakcijah. Raziskave so pokazale, da pametni telefoni prinašajo pomembne prednosti v izobraževanju, saj omogočajo dostop do širokega nabora virov, prilagojeno učenje ter povečujejo pri učencih zavzetost za učenje. V delu je bila obravnavana tudi vloga pametnih telefonov v času pandemije covida-19, ko je njihova uporaba izrazito narastla. Pandemija je dodatno izpostavila nekatere že obstoječe izzive, kot so čezmerna uporaba naprav, potencialne motnje pri učenju ter zmanjšanje osebne interakcije. Delo potrjuje, da imajo pametni telefoni kompleksne učinke na mladostnike, kar poudarja potrebo po uravnoteženem pristopu k njihovi uporabi. Pravilna integracija teh tehnologij lahko prinese pomembne koristi, vendar je nujno razviti jasne smernice, ki bi zmanjšale morebitne negativne posledice in omogočile optimalen izkoristek tehnologij v učnem procesu ter socialnih interakcijah mladostnikov.

Keywords:pametni telefoni, izobraževanje, socialno-družbene interakcije, mladostniki, covid-19, digitalna pismenost.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-163014 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.10.2024
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Title:Smartphones as New Media tools: changes in the educational and social dynamics of adolescents
This thesis explores the impact of smartphones on various aspects of adolescents' lives, with a special focus on educational processes and social interactions. Researches have shown that smartphones offer significant advantages in education by providing access to a wide range of resources, personalized learning, and increasing student engagement. This thesis also examines the role of smartphones during the Covid-19 pandemic, when their usage drastically increased. The pandemic further highlighted some pre-existing challenges, such as excessive device use, potential disruptions in learning, and reduced personal interaction. This work confirms that smartphones have complex effects on adolescents, emphasizing the need for a balanced approach to their use. Proper integration of these technologies can bring substantial benefits, but it is essential to develop clear guidelines that minimize potential negative consequences and enable the optimal use of technology in educational processes and adolescents' social interactions.

Keywords:Smartphones, education, social interactions, adolescents, Covid-19, digital literacy.

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