
Pregled tehnične zakonodaje za projektiranje nizkonapetostnih elektroenergetskih inštalacij stanovanjskih stavb
ID STREHAR, TOMAS (Avtor), ID Bizjak, Grega (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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V diplomskem delu predstavljamo zahteve projektiranja nizkonapetostnih inštalacij stanovanjskih objektov, ki izhajajo iz zakonov, pravilnikov, tehničnih smernic in standardov. V prvem delu predstavljamo ključne regulativne in tehnične dokumente in v drugem delu sintetiziramo njihovo vsebino po posameznih tveganjih in komponentah sistema nizkonapetostnih inštalacij. Med ključnimi zakonodajnimi okvirji nizkonapetostnih inštalacij predstavljamo Gradbeni zakon, ki ureja pogoje in druga vprašanja graditve objektov, ter Zakon o učinkoviti rabi energije, ki določa ukrepe energetske učinkovitosti ter pristojne organe za izvajanje politik in nalog učinkovite rabe energije. Med pravilniki, ki jih moramo upoštevati, navajamo in vsebinsko opišemo Pravilnik o požarni varnosti v stavbah, Pravilnik o zahtevah za NN električne inštalacije v stavbah, Pravilnik o zaščiti stavb pred delovanjem strele in Pravilnik o učinkoviti rabi energije. Podrobnejše tehnične pogoje in rešitve povzemamo iz tehničnih smernic Požarna varnost v stavbah, Nizkonapetostne električne inštalacije, Zaščita pred delovanjem strele in Energijska učinkovitost stavb ter smernice Požarnovarnostne zahteve za električne in cevne napeljave v stavbah. Tehnične smernice dopolnjujemo s tehničnimi specifikacijami iz sprejetih standardov, s katerimi so zagotovljene preverjene strokovne rešitve za izpolnjevanje zahtev smernic in predpisov. S pregledom zahtev projektiranja in izvedbe nizkonapetostnih inštalacij ugotavljamo, da je vsebina referenčnih dokumentov obsežna, fragmentirana ter da so dostopi do standardov plačljivi. Ker je velik del teh vsebin namenjen zagotavljanju varnosti stavb ter zaščiti ljudi, živali in premoženja, ugotavljamo, da bi bilo prihodnji razvoj smiselno usmerjati v poenotenje smernic in standardov v enotno in prosto dostopno dokumentacijo.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:nizkonapetostne inštalacije, tehnične smernice, standardi, zahteve
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija:FE - Fakulteta za elektrotehniko
Leto izida:2024
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162997 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:209574915 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:30.09.2024
Število ogledov:216
Število prenosov:574
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Review of technical legislation for the design of low-voltage electrical installations in residential buildings
In the diploma work, we present the design requirements of low-voltage installations for residential buildings, which derive from laws, regulations and, technical guidelines and standards. In the first part, we present the key regulatory and technical documents, and in the second part, we synthesize their content according to individual risks and components of the low-voltage installation system. Among the key legislative frameworks for low-voltage installations, we identify and present the Slovenian Building Act, which regulates the conditions and other issues of the construction of buildings, and the Act on Efficient Use of Energy, which determines energy efficiency measures and competent authorities for the implementation of policies and tasks of efficient energy use. Among the rules that must be taken into account when designing low-voltage installations in residential buildings, we list and describe in content the Rules on fire safety in buildings, the Rules on requirements for LV installations in building, the Rules on protecting buildings against lightning and the Rules on efficient use of energy. More detailed technical conditions for the design of low-voltage installations in residential buildings are summarized from the technical guidelines Fire safety in buildings, Low-voltage electrical installations, Protection against lightning and Energy efficiency of buildings, as well as the guidelines Fire safety requirements for electrical and pipe installations in buildings. We supplement the technical guidelines with technical specifications from accepted standards, which provide proven professional solutions to meet the requirements of the guidelines and regulations. Through a review of the requirements for designing and implementing low-voltage installations, we find that the content of reference documents is extensive, fragmented, and that access to standards is paid. As a significant portion of this content is intended to ensure building safety and protect people, animals, and property, we conclude that future development should be directed towards unifying guidelines and standards into a single, freely accessible documentation.

Ključne besede:low-voltage installations, technical guidelines, standards, requirements

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