
Požarne lastnosti naravnih izolacij
ID Remec, Zala (Author), ID Schnabl, Simon (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 91E88FC57D3C9D4914A6EBE401D370CA

Pri izbiri ustrezne toplotne izolacije objekta je treba poleg prenosa toplote, ekonomskega vidika, trdnosti in stabilnosti upoštevati tudi njihovo optimalno delovanje in čim manjši vpliv na okolje. Na tržišču obstaja več različnih vrst toplotnih izolacij, od najpogosteje uporabljene steklene volne, kamene volne, EPS in XPS do naravnih materialov, kot so volna, konoplja, celuloza, lan itd., ki imajo različne tehnične lastnosti, kot so toplotna in zvočna izolacija, požarne lastnosti, sposobnost uravnavanja vlažnosti okolja ter ogljični odtis. V magistrskem delu so obravnavane tri naravne izolacije, ovčja volna, celulozna izolacija (lesna volna) ter izolacija iz konoplje, katerih prednost je relativno majhen vpliv na okolje, prispevek k večjemu udobju v zaprtih prostorih zaradi zmanjšanja onesnaženosti zraka in dobra požarna odpornost, že zaradi samih lastnosti materiala ali pa zaradi dodanih zaviralcev gorenja. Proksimativno analizo omenjenih vzorcev se je določilo z uporabo metod TA, in sicer EGA, TGA, DTA, DTG. S pomočjo metod TA se je ugotavljala termična stabilnost treh vzorcev toplotnih izolacij, glede na spremembo mase vzorca in toplotne spremembe v vzorcu med termično obremenitvijo vzorca. Z EGA metodo, ki združuje termogravimetrični analizator (TGA) in kvadrupolni masni spektrometer (QMS) se je poskušalo določiti oz. ugotoviti sestavo hlapnih komponent vzorcev. Cilj raziskave je ugotoviti, katera od obravnavanih naravnih izolacij je glede na proksimativno sestavo, termično stabilnost in ceno najboljša izbira, pri čemer se bo upošteval tudi ogljični odtis (GWP) in vgrajena energija (EE) vsakega vzorca izolacije. Rezultati metod termične analize so pokazali, da ovčja volna, lesna volna in konopljina izolacija razpadejo v tristopenjskem procesu. Prva stopnja vključuje izgubo vlage, druga stopnja nastanek hlapnih komponent oz. piroliznih plinov, tretja stopnja podžig fiksnega ogljika, ostanek po termični obdelavi je pepel. Prvi dve spremembi mase vzorca potekata v inertni atmosferi (argon), tretja pa v oksidativni atmosferi (argon in kisik) v temperaturnem intervalu od 40 °C do 900 °C, pri čemer so se beležile nastale komponente termičnega razpada vzorca. Ugotovitve so pokazale, da je konopljina izolacija imela večjo termično obstojnost zaradi višje temperature nastanka piroliznih plinov in najmanjši (negativni) ogljični odtis (GWP). Volnena izolacija je imela z največjim deležem pepela, največjo toplotno stabilnost ter najnižjo ceno. Lesna izolacija pa je imela najbolj temperaturno stabilen fiksni ogljik ter najnižjo vgrajeno energijo (EE).

Keywords:naravna izolacija, gorljivost, ovčja volna, lesna volna, konoplja
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162994 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:216860675 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Fire properties of natural insulation
In addition to heat transfer, economic considerations, strength and stability, the choice of the right thermal insulation for a building should also take into account optimal performance and minimised environmental impact. There are several different types of thermal insulation on the market, ranging from the most commonly used glass wool, rock wool, EPS and XPS to natural materials such as wool, hemp, cellulose, flax, etc., which have different technical characteristics such as thermal and acoustic insulation, fire performance, ability to control ambient humidity and carbon footprint. The master's thesis deals with three natural insulations, sheep wool, cellulose insulation (wood wool) and hemp insulation, which have the advantage of a relatively low environmental impact, a contribution to indoor comfort by reducing air pollution and good fire resistance, either due to the material properties themselves or due to the addition of flame retardants. The proximate analysis of these samples was determined using TA methods, namely EGA, TGA, DTA, DTG. The thermal stability of the three thermal insulation samples was determined using TA methods depending on variation of the mass of the sample and the thermal changes in the sample during the thermal loading of the sample. The EGA method, which combines a thermogravimetric analyser (TGA) and a quadrupole mass spectrometer (QMS), was used to determine the composition of the volatile components of the samples. The aim of the research is to determine which of the natural insulations considered is the best choice in terms of proximate composition, thermal stability and cost, taking into account also the carbon footprint (GWP) and embodied energy (EE) of each insulation sample. The results of the thermal analysis methods showed that sheep's wool, wood wool and hemp insulation and decompose in a three – step process. The first stage involves the loss of moisture, the second stage the formation of volatile components or pyrolysis gases, the third stage the combustion of fixed carbon and the residue after thermal treatment is ash. The first two mass changes of the sample take place in an inert atmosphere (argon) and the third in an oxidising atmosphere (argon and oxygen) in a temperature range from 40 °C to 900 °C, recording the thermal decomposition components of the sample. The findings showed that hemp insulation had a higher thermal stability due to the higher pyrolysis gas generation temperature and the lowest (negative) carbon footprint (GWP). Wool insulation had with the highest ash content, the highest thermal stability and the lowest cost. Wood insulation, on the other hand, had the most thermally stable fixed carbon and the lowest embodied energy (EE).

Keywords:natural insulation, flammability, sheep wool, wood wool, hemp

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