
Slovenska skupnost v Avstraliji na prehodu generacij in v luči novega priseljevanja Slovencev
ID Kropivnik, Luka (Author), ID Repič, Jaka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Smolej, Tone (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo predstavlja opis trenutne situacije v slovenski skupnosti v Avstraliji in prinaša razmislek o nekaterih vprašanjih, ki se pojavljajo na prehodu generacij in v luči novega priseljevanja. Avstralija z vidika slovenske diaspore predstavlja poseben primer zunajevropske destinacije slovenskih migrantov, saj se poleg ustaljene skupnosti, ki je večinoma nastala v 2. polovici 20. stoletja, pojavljajo tudi novi priseljenci iz Slovenije in se le izjemoma vključujejo v obstoječa društva. Skozi analizo arhivskih virov pojasni proces priseljevanja in ustanovitve ter razvoja nacionalnih društev. Delo opozori tudi na preoblikovanje organizacij, v katere so bili vključeni Slovenci v Avstraliji in pojasni kompleksen odnos med društvi v obdobju njihovih preoblikovanj in razloge za spremembe, ki so jih v društveno življenje člani vnašali namenoma ali nenamenoma. V delu predstavimo tudi literarno produkcijo slovenskih avtorjev v Avstraliji in širše. Delo se opira na kompleksne koncepte skupnosti, diaspore in identitete. Z analizo etnografskega gradiva, ki je nastalo z metodo opazovanja z udeležbo in intervjuji med trimesečnim terenskim delom, poskušamo pokazati na kompleksne odnose znotraj diaspore, ki se oblikujejo v času, ko društveno življenje, kot so ga opisovali raziskovalci v 20. stoletju in še na začetku 21. stoletja, zamira oziroma se preoblikuje. Podrobneje opisujemo trenutno delovanje slovenskih društev, neformalna povezovanja zunaj društev in odnos novih priseljencev do obstoječih društev ter oblikovanja novih organiziranih oblik druženja.

Keywords:slovenski izseljenci v Avstraliji, diaspora, (kulturna) identiteta, izseljenska društva, izseljenska književnost, generacijski prehodi
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162962 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.09.2024
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Title:The Slovenian Community in Australia at the Transition of Generations and in the Light of New Slovenian Immigration
This master's thesis presents the contemporary Slovenian community in Australia, which is currently experiencing a generational shift and an influx of new immigration. Australia represents a specific case of a non-European destination among the Slovenian diaspora. In addition to the established community that dates back to the second half of the 20th century, new immigrants from Slovenia are arriving in Australia, joining existing societies only in exceptional cases. The analysis of archival sources sheds light on the changing nature of the organisations in which Slovenes in Australia are active in the period from the arrival of the first immigrants to the establishment and development of national societies. We seek to explain the complex relationships between these societies during the period of their transformations and the reasons for the changes that members brought - intentionally or unintentionally - to the life of these societies. We also present the literary production of Slovenian authors in Australia and beyond. The work draws on the complex concepts of community, diaspora and identity, which serve as an analytical framework. By analysing ethnographic material generated through participant observation and interviews during three months of fieldwork, we seek to reveal the complex, emergent relationships within the diaspora during a time when social life, as described by researchers at the beginning of the 21st century, is in decline and in flux. We describe in more detail the current operation of Slovenian associations, the informal networking outside the associations, the attitude of the new immigrants towards existing associations, and the formation of new organised forms of sociality.

Keywords:Slovenian emigrants in Australia, diaspora, (cultural) identity, emigrant associations, emigrant literature, generational transitions

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