
Med iluzijo, kritiko in utopijo: Analiza naslavljanja sodobnih družbenih problemov
ID Kastelic, Sara (Author), ID Krečič Žižek, Jela (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Hribar Sorčan, Valentina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomski nalogi raziskujem dinamiko sodobnih družbenih sprememb in vlogo, ki jo pri tem igrajo kritika, iluzija in utopija. Ukvarjam se z alternativnimi pristopi obravnavanja aktualnih družbenih problematik, ki poskušajo preseči formo tradicionalnih oblik odpora, predvsem s ciljem restrukturiranja razmišljanja ter vključitvijo elementa inovativnosti in sanj. Z izpostavljanjem poant filozofinje Alenke Zupančič (2019) raziskujem ključno sredstvo ozaveščanja o kompleksnosti sodobnih antagonizmov družbe, kritiko, skozi njeni osnovni orodji, objektivno resnico in racionalnost, s tem pa njeno vlogo (oziroma natančneje njene omejitve) v sodobnem svetu, kjer prevladujejo spektakel in čustvene reprezentacije. Nadaljujem z izpostavitvijo Debordove teorije spektakla (1999), ki se navezuje na koncept iluzije in prav tako deluje kot orodje za ohranjanje obstoječih družbenih struktur, kar povežem s sodobno normalizacijo družbenih problemov ter s splošnim apokaliptičnim vzdušjem, skozi katerega razložim sodobno neuspešno zamišljanje alternative. Kot potencialno sredstvo transformacije z združitvijo utopične dimenzije s temeljnimi značilnostmi spektakla, kar je obravnavano predvsem skozi teorijo avtorja Stephena Duncomba (2007), predpostavim etični spektakel kot mehanizem, ki lahko oriše prehod od pasivnega sprejemanja k aktivni transformaciji, s tem pa konstituira zavest o možnosti premikanja mej mogočega.

Keywords:Kritika, resnica, iluzija, vednost, spektakel, utopija.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162955 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:225283843 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.09.2024
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Title:Connecting illusion, critique, and utopia: Analysis of how contemporary social problems are being addressed
In my thesis I explore the dynamics of contemporary social change and the role played by critique, illusion and utopia. I consider alternative approaches to addressing contemporary societal issues that attempt to transcend the form of traditional forms of resistance, primarily with the aim of restructuring ways of thinking and incorporating elements of innovation and dreaming. By highlighting the views of philosopher Alenka Zupančič (2019), I explore a pivotal instrument for raising awareness of the complexity of contemporary antagonisms of society, critique, through its two primary tools, objective truth and rationality, and thus its role (or more precisely, its limitations) in a contemporary world dominated by spectacle and emotional representations. I further highlight Guy Debord's theory of spectacle (1999), which relates to the concept of illusion and also functions as a tool for maintaining existing social structures, which I link to the contemporary normalisation of social problems and to the general apocalyptic climate through which I explain the contemporary inability to imagine an alternative. As a potential means of transformation by combining the utopian dimension with the fundamental characteristics of spectacle, which is mainly discussed through the theory of Stephen Duncombe (2007), I posit the ethical spectacle as a mechanism that can mark the transition from passive acceptance to active transformation, thereby constituting an awareness of the possibility of pushing the boundaries of what is possible.

Keywords:Critique, truth, illusion, knowledge, spectacle, utopia.

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