
Vpliv različnih vrst piva na lovljenje polžev (mollusca: gastropoda) v poljskem poskusu
ID Popit, Matej (Author), ID Laznik, Žiga (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Polži predstavljajo gospodarsko pomembne škodljivce v kmetijstvu, saj s svojim hranjenjem poškodujejo dele rastlin in tako posledično vplivajo na zmanjšan pridelek, okrasno in tržno vrednost rastlin, ter povečajo tveganje za okužbo z mikroorganizmi. Za zatiranje polžev se uporabljajo razne ne-kemijske prakse, limacidi na podlagi železovega (III) fosfata in metaldehida ter biotično varstvo s parazitsko ogorčico Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita. Med okoljsko sprejemljive načine zatiranja polžev uvrščamo uporabo pasti s pivom. Pasti za polže se najpogosteje postavi med mestom za spanje in mestom za hranjenje. V dvoletni raziskavi (2022-2023), ki je potekala na prostem, smo preučevali vpliv 5 vrst piva (Union, Guinness, Paulaner, Chimay blue in BrewDog Punk IPA) za lovljenje polžev. Izbor piva je temeljil na njihovi različni sestavi sladu, vsebnosti alkohola, in količini hmelja. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da smo v dveh letih v pasti s pivom ulovili preko 7000 polžev. V lovilne posode so se lovili le polži dveh vrst; španski lazar (Arion vulgaris) ter veliki slinar (Limax maximus). V letu 2022 se je najbolje izkazalo pivo vrste Chimay blue, ki je imelo večje količine pentanola od ostalih vrst piva. V obeh letih se je najmanj polžev ujelo v pasti, ki so vsebovale pivo BrewDog Punk IPA. Kemična analiza piv je pokazala razlike v njihovi sestavi.

Keywords:polži, pivo, pasti s pivom, alternativni načini zatiranja, ne kemično zatiranje, Arion vulgaris, Limax maximus
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162916 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:210620419 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The effect od different types of beer to controp slugs (Mollusca: Gastropoda) in field experiment
Slugs represent economically significant pests in agriculture as their feeding damages plant parts, subsequently impacting reduced yield, ornamental and market value of plants, and increasing the risk of microbial infection. Various non-chemical practices, molluscicides based on iron (III) phosphate and metaldehyde, and biotic control with the parasitic nematode Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita are used for mollusc control. Among nvironmentally friendly methods of slug control, the use of beer traps is considered. Slug traps are commonly placed between the sleeping and feeding areas. In a two-year study (2022-2023) conducted outdoors, we examined the impact of 5 types of beer (Union, Guinness, Paulaner, Chimay blue, and BrewDog Punk IPA) for slug trapping. The selection of beers was based on their different malt compositions, alcohol content, and quantity of hops. The research results showed that over 7000 slugs were captured in the beer traps over two years. Only two species of slugs, the Spanish slug (Arion vulgaris) and the great grey slug (Limax maximus), were caught in the traps. In 2022, Chimay blue beer which has highest content of pentanol showed the best performance. In both years, the traps containing BrewDog Punk IPA caught the fewest slugs. Chemical analysis of the beers revealed differences in their compositions.

Keywords:slugs, beer, beer traps, alternative methods of pest control, non - chemical pest control, Arion vulgaris, Limax maximus

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