
Vpliv sestave hidravličnega cementa na osnovi kalcijevih silikatov na reološke lastnosti, strjevanje in tlačno trdnost : diplomsko delo
ID Gorjan, Manica (Author), ID Kocjan, Andraž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Markoli, Boštjan (Comentor)

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V dentalni medicini se endodontija ukvarja z zdravljenjem poškodovanih zob, kjer je po odstranitvi zobne pulpe potrebno učinkovito zatesniti koreninske kanale, da preprečimo vdor bakterij. Odkritje mineralnega trioksidnega agregata (MTA), tesnilnega materiala na osnovi kalcijevega silikata (hidravlični cement), je predstavljalo velik preboj na področju, saj ima ta material odlične tesnilne sposobnosti in biokompatibilnost. Vendar pa ima MTA tudi pomanjkljivosti, saj temelji na Portlandskem cementu, ki je bil prvotno razvit za gradbeništvo, in zato vsebuje težke kovine, ima dolgo strjevalno dobo ter je težko obvladljiv. Zaradi tega so bile zasnovane modifikacije MTA, da bi izboljšali čistost, lastnosti rokovanja in čas strjevanja. Na Institutu Jožef Stefan je bil nedavno izumljen nov večkomponentni keramični material, imenovan RS+, ki vsebuje čisti kalcijev trisilikat, cirkonijev oksid za radiopacifikacijo, bioaktivno steklo za izboljšanje bioloških lastnosti in nazadnje bentonit, ki izboljša lastnosti rokovanja. Namen te naloge je bil preučiti obnašanje materiala RS+ in pripraviti modificirano različico mRS+ z manjšo količino bentonita ter primerjati njune fizikalno-kemijske lastnosti. Cementi so bili analizirani na podlagi standarda ISO za endodontske tesnilce. V tej raziskavi je bilo preučeno reološko obnašanje cementne paste ter vpliv sestave cementa na tlačno trdnost in poroznost strjenega cementa. Hidratacijski produkti so bili analizirani z uporabo vrstične elektronske mikroskopije in rentgenske difrakcije. Na koncuje bil raziskan še vpliv dodatka kalcijevega klorida kot pospeševalca hidratacije. Poskusi z obema testiranima mešanicama cementov so pokazali, da imata boljše lastnosti za endodontsko tesnenje v primerjavi s klasičnim materialom MTA. Pri primerjavi med RS+ in modificirano različico mRS+ se je pokazalo, da je zmanjšanje vsebnosti bentonita pozitivno vplivalo na želene lastnosti tesnila.

Keywords:endodontski materiali, kalcijev silikat, bentonit, hidratacija cementa, reološke lastnosti suspenzij, porozimetrija, tlačna trdnost.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:M. Gorjan
Number of pages:XIII, 69 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162894 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:212708867 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The effect of the composition of calcium silicates based hydraulic cement on its rheological propreties, setting time and compressive strength : diploma work
In dental medicine endodontics deals with damaged, where after removal of the pulp, the root canals need to be effectively sealed to prevent bacterial infiltration. The discovery of a mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA), a calcium silicate based sealing material (hydraulic cement), was a milestone, since exhibiting excellent sealing abilities and biocompatibility. However, MTA also has drawbacks, since it is based on Portland cement, originally developed for civil engineering, and, thus, containing heavy metal elements, has a long setting time and is difficult to handle. As a result, MTA modifications were designed to improve purity, handling properties and setting time. At the Jožef Stefan Institute, a new multi-component ceramic material called RS+ was recently invented, containing pure calcium trisilicate, zirconium oxide for radiopacity, bioactive glass to enhance biological properties, and finally, bentonite, which improves handling properties. The aim of the thesis was to study the behaviour of RS+ and to prepare a modified version mRS+ with lower amount of bentonite, and to compare their physio-chemical properties. Cements were analysed based on the ISO standard for endodontic sealers. The present work examines the rheological behaviour of the cement paste, and the effect of cement composition on compressive strength and porosity of the hardened cement. The hydration products were analysed using scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. Finally the effect of calcium chloride addition as hydration accelerator was investigated. Experiments with both tested cement mixtures showed that they have better properties as endodontic sealers compared to classic MTA material. In the comparison between RS+ and the modified version mRS+, it was found that reducing the bentonite content positively affected the desired properties of the sealer.

Keywords:endodontic materials, calcium silicate, bentonite, cement hydration, rheology of suspensions, porosimetry, compressive strength.

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