
Analiza srednjeveških žlinder iz Gutenwerda : magistrsko delo
ID Šalehar, Peter (Author), ID Knap, Matjaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Na arheološkem najdišču Gutenwerd, danes Otok pri Dobravi v občini Šentjernej, so bili najdeni ostanki srednjeveškega naselja. Poleg drugih arheoloških ostankov so bili najdeni tudi ostanki žlindre, ki kažejo, da je bila v naselju razvita tudi proizvodnja in predelava železovih zlitin. V magistrskem delu smo analizirali vzorce osmih žlinder. Skušali smo ugotoviti ali so žlindre nastale v procesu ekstraktivne metalurgije, tj. pri redukciji železovih rud, ali so nastale v kovaški peči med obdelavo kovinskega polizdelka. V namen raziskav smo za vsako žlindro pripravili dva vzorca. Prvi vzorec je bil namenjen določitvi mineraloške sestave z uporabo rentgenske praškovne difrakotmetrije. Iz drugega vzorca smo pripravili obrus za identifikacijo faz v mikrostrukturi žlindre z vrstičnim elektronskim mikroskopom (SEM), ter analizo analizo kemične sestave z energijsko disperzijsko spektroskopijo. Glede na rezultate analiz smo vzorce žlinder razdelili na dve skupini. V prvo skupino spadajo žlindre iz talilne peči, ki so primarno sestavljene iz fajalita in wüstita. Žlindre iz talilne peči smo naprej razdelili glede na vrsto peči v kateri so nastale. Kovaške žlindre imajo bolj raznoliko sestavo, kar je posledica uporabe različnih talil med kovanjem. Prisotnost kalija in kalcija nakazuje, da se je v žlindro ujel pepel zgorelega oglja, prisotnost kremena pa na uporabo kremenčevega peska med kovanjem. V nekaterih vzorcih smo opazili tudi kovinsko železo, ki se je ujelo v žlindri. To kaže na nekoliko slabše izkoristke procesov.

Keywords:Arheometalurgija, žlindra, zgodovina železarstva, rentgenska difraktometrija, vrstični elektronski mikroskop, energijska disperzijska spektroskopija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:P. Šalehar
Number of pages:XIV, 70 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162891 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:212705539 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of medieval slags from Gutenwerd : master's thesis
The remains of a mediaeval settlement were found at the Gutenwerd archaeological site. In addition to other archaeological remains, slag remains were also found, showing that iron alloys was also produced and processed in the settlement. As part of Master thesis, we analysed samples of eight slags. We tried to find out whether the slags were produced in the process of extractive metallurgy, i.e. during the reduction of iron ores, or whether they were produced in the forge furnace during the processing of the semi-finished metal product. We prepared two samples for each slag. The first sample was used to determine the mineralogical composition by X-ray powder diffractometry. The second sample was prepared for scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to examine the microstructure of the slags and analyse their chemical composition using energy dispersive spectroscopy. Based on the results of the analyses, the slag samples were divided into two groups. The first group includes slags that were formed in the smelting furnace and consist mainly of fajalite and wüstite. The slags from the smelting furnace were further subdivided according to the type of furnace in which they were created. Forging slags have a more diverse composition due to the use of different fluxes in the forging process. The presence of potassium and calcium indicates that the ash from the burnt charcoal was trapped in the slag, and the presence of quartz indicates the use of silica sand in the forging process. Metallic iron trapped in the slag was also observed in some samples. This indicates slightly worse process efficiencies.

Keywords:Archaeometallurgy, slag, history of ironmaking, X-ray diffractometry, scanning electron microscope, energy dispersive spectroscopy

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