Due to the increasing accessibility of digital technologies, society is changing radically and rapidly (more than ever before). Of course, it all starts with the use of digital technologies by children at an increasingly younger age. Toddlers and younger children can hardly avoid using digital technologies, as they are surrounded by them. Toddlers and preschoolers use various forms of digital technology such as TV, mobile phones, tablets, computers... The use of digital technology can be positive, but this depends on many factors. One of the most important is the way in which children are guided and supervised, which of course depends to a large extent on their parents and caregivers. The aim and goal of my thesis is to find out how, in what way and of course why parents introduce digital technologies to their preschool children, aged 0 to 6 years. Here I will focus on the forms of digital technologies that preschool children receive from their parents and whether parents are involved in this and what parents actually perceive as the purpose of using digital technologies with their children. The qualitative method within the research will be conducted as in-depth interviews with different families. During the visits, in addition to collecting answers to questions, I will also observe the actual everyday behavior of families and parental mediation in the use of digital technologies. The aim of the research is to obtain authentic and not socially desirable answers.