
Slovenska elektronska glasbena skupnost ter vloga radia pri oblikovanju elektronskih glasbenih skupnosti
ID Stepan, Miran (Author), ID Lengar Verovnik, Tina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Lebarič, Vasja (Comentor)

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Elektronske glasbene radijske postaje so v zadnjih desetletjih prejšnjega stoletja igrale ključno vlogo pri promociji tovrstnih glasbenih žanrov v Združenih državah Amerike in Združenem kraljestvu. Ob razvoju tehnologij je sledil preporod glasbenega radia, saj je glasbena scena potrebovala nove medije, ki bi tovrstno glasbo predvajali v lokalnem prostoru. Radijske oddaje so imele močen vpliv na razvoj elektronske glasbene skupnosti, saj so prisluhnile željam svojega lokalnega občinstva. Poleg možnosti predstavljanja glasbenikov so jim ponudile tudi prostor za mreženje, kar je vodilo v ustvarjanje kolektivov in založb. Nekateri od teh danes veljajo za pionirje žanrov elektronske glasbe. Za razumevanje vloge radia pri vzdrževanju elektronske glasbene skupnosti analiziram obstoječe vire o ključnih radijskih postajah. S pomočjo lastne empirične raziskave raziskujem pomembnost slovenskih radijskih postaj in predstavljam lokalno elektronsko sceno. Izvedel sem intervju z lastnikom založbe Kibernet Kriminalität in njihovim kolektivom etmothom, didžejem gramma in producentom Tamorra. Za razumevanje vloge radia pri vzdrževanju slovenske elektronske glasbene skupnosti sem izpeljal intervju z voditelji oddaj Timom Urbanyo (Rush Hour 202 na Valu 202), Žigo Petričem (X-Machina na Radiu Študent) in Martinom Rešeto (Mehanik na Neodvisnem obalnem radiu).

Keywords:elektronska glasba, elektronska glasbena skupnost, radio.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162873 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The Slovenian electronic music community and the role of radio in sustaining the electronic community
Electronic music radio stations played a key role in the promotion of this genre in the United States and the United Kingdom in the last decades of the last century. Radio broadcasts have had a strong influence on the development of the electronic community, as they have begun to listen to the wishes of their local audiences. With the development of technology came the revival of music radio, as the music scene needed a media that would play the electronic music locally. As well as providing a platform to showcase musicians, they also offered them a place to network, which led to the creation of collectives and labels, some of which are now considered pioneers of electronic music genres. To understand the role of radio in sustaining the electronic music community, I analyse existing sources on radio stations. Through my empirical research, I explore the relevance of Slovenian radio stations and present the local electronic scene. I interviewed the owner of the Kibernet Kriminalität label and their collective etmoth, the DJ gramma and the producer Tamorra. To understand the role of radio in sustaining community, I interviewed the host of Rush Hour 202, Tim Urbanya, on Val 202, X-Machina, Žiga Petrič, on Radio Študent and Mehanik, Martin Rešeta, on Neodvisni obalni radio.

Keywords:electronic music, electronic music community, radio.

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