
Povezanost črevesne in kožne mikrobiote ter učinki probiotikov na atopijski dermatitis: sistematični pregled in analiza globalnih trendov izvajanja kliničnih raziskav
ID Cerovšek, Eva (Author), ID Jeras, Matjaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Ozadje: Med kožno in črevesno mikrobioto obstaja povezanost, ki je vzpostavljena preko imunskega, presnovnega in nevroendokrinega sistema. Z različnimi mehanizmi in presnovnimi produkti lahko delujeta ena na drugo in sprožita spremembe v njuni sestavi, ter tako vplivata na stanje kože in črevesja. Ravno ta povezanost postaja vse bolj zanimiva na področju zdravljenja atopijskega dermatitisa, za katerega je značilna neuravnovešenost kožne in črevesne mikrobiote, ki prispeva k oslabljenemu stanju kožne bariere. Probiotiki zato postajajo ena izmed možnosti zdravljenja atopijskega dermatitisa, saj lahko pomagajo pri uravnavanju kožne in črevesne mikrobiote in tako zmanjšajo vnetje, izboljšajo funkcijo kožne bariere in umilijo simptome bolezni. Metode: V podatkovnih zbirkah, Cochrane Library in Semantic Scholar smo izvedli sistematični pregled globalnih trendov izvajanja kliničnih raziskav učinkov probiotikov na atopijski dermatitis. Vključili smo tiste raziskave, ki so preučevale učinke peroralnih in topikalnih probiotikov na bolnike z atopijskim dermatitisom vseh starosti. Pri pregledu literature smo se omejili na prosto dostopne podatke kliničnih raziskav, objavljene v angleškem jeziku. Rezultati: S sistematičnim pregledom smo pridobili skupno 20 kliničnih raziskav, ki so ustrezale našim vključitvenim in izključitvenim kriterijem. Od omenjenih jih je 17 preučevalo učinke peroralnih, 3 pa topikalnih probiotikov. Večina raziskav je bila randomiziranih in dvojno slepih, običajno s testno in placebo skupino. Probiotiki so v večjem delu izkazali učinkovitost pri zmanjševanju simptomov atopijskega dermatitisa. Z analizo globalnih trendov izvajanja kliničnih raziskav smo ugotovili, da jih je večina potekala na vzhodni polobli sveta, pri čemer so bile nekatere izvedene že v prejšnjih dveh desetletjih. Sklep: Čeprav je področje ugotavljanja učinkov probiotikov na atopijski dermatitis razmeroma novo, rezultati že kažejo precejšnjo stopnjo terapevtske uspešnosti, zato njihova uporaba izkazuje velik potencial in predstavlja enega od alternativnih pristopov za zdravljenje te bolezni.

Keywords:kožna mikrobiota, črevesna mikrobiota, atopijski dermatitis, probiotiki
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162849 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Interconnection of gut and skin microbiota and the effects of probiotics on atopic dermatitis: A systematic review and analysis of global trends in conducting clinical trials
Background: There is a connection between the skin and gut microbiota, established through the immune, metabolic, and neuroendocrine system. Through various mechanisms and metabolic products, they can influence each other and trigger changes in their composition, thereby affecting the condition of the skin and gut. This connection is becoming increasingly interesting in the field of treatment for atopic dermatitis, which is characterized by imbalanced skin and gut microbiota that contribute to a weakened skin barrier. Probiotics are thus becoming one of the treatment options for atopic dermatitis, as they can help regulate the skin and gut microbiota, thereby reducing inflammation, improving the skin barrier function, and alleviating symptoms of this disease. Methods: We conducted a systematic review of global trends in clinical trials on the effects of probiotics on atopic dermatitis using the databases, Cochrane Library, and Semantic Scholar. We included studies that investigated the effects of both oral and topical probiotics on patients with atopic dermatitis of all ages. In the literature review, we limited our focus to freely accessible clinical trials written in English. Results: Through the systematic review, we identified a total of 20 clinical studies that met our inclusion and exclusion criteria. Of the ones mentioned, 17 studied the effect of oral probiotics and 3 of topical probiotics. Most of the studies were randomized and double-blind, typically including a test and a placebo group. Probiotics have shown efficacy in reducing symptoms of atopic dermatitis in most of them. By analysing the global trends in clinical trials, we found that most of them were conducted in the Eastern Hemisphere, some of them in the previous two decades. Conclusion: Although the field of probiotics' effects on atopic dermatitis is relatively new, the results already show a significant degree of therapeutic success, and their use shows great potential as one of the alternative approaches for the treatment of this disease.

Keywords:skin microbiota, gut microbiota, atopic dermatitis, probiotics

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