
Kemijske, senzorične in funkcionalne lastnosti kisle sirotke, fermentirane z mikroorganizmi iz kefirnih zrn
ID Štern, Monika (Author), ID Čanžek Majhenič, Andreja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrski nalogi smo želeli ugotoviti, ali je kisla sirotka, ki nastane kot stranski produkt pri izdelavi skute, hranilno ustrezen medij za potek fermentacije s kefirnimi zrni (KZ). V podjetju Arhel d.o.o. so kislo sirotko najprej nevtralizirali, mikrofiltrirali (S) in pasterizirali (G). Manjše količine G smo nato fermentirali s KZ, ki smo jih po fermentaciji odfiltrirali, dobljeni permeat pa v nadaljevanju uporabili kot tekočo matično kulturo (TMK) za fermentacijo večjih količin G. Fermentiran produkt smo poimenovali izrabljeno gojišče (IG). Fermentacijo smo izvajali v dveh serijah. Nato smo IG-1 in IG-2 zmešali, diafiltrirali in retentat liofilizirali, da smo dobili liofiliziran retentat (LRS), medtem ko permeata izrabljenega gojišča (IGP) nismo obdelali. Zanimala nas je senzorična sprejemljivost LRS, njegova kemijska sestava ter potencialna dodana vrednost (simbiotik, prebiotik, protimikroben učinek). Poleg tega so nas zanimale še senzorična kakovost, kemijska sestava ter skupno število mikroorganizmov (SŠMO) IGP. Z določanjem števila kvasovk in mlečnokislinskih bakterij (MKB) v vzorcih KZ, IG in TMK smo določali mikrobiološko stabilnost oz. koliko kvasovk in MKB je prešlo iz KZ v TMK kot kazalnik uspešnosti fermentacije G s TKM. Za ugotavljanje ponovljivosti in dobre higienske prakse smo SŠMO ugotavljali tudi v vzorcih S in G. Za ugotavljanje prebiotičnega učinka LRS na rast probiotičnih bakterij smo v tekoče gojišče MRS ali M17 zamešali LRS in probiotično bakterijo ter opazovali vpliv LRS na rast, samo gojišče pa je služilo kot kontrola. Protimikrobno aktivnost v vodi raztopljenega LRS proti patogenim bakterijam smo ugotavljali z metodo lise na trdem gojišču, medtem ko smo za ugotavljanje njegove simbiotične aktivnosti uporabili metodo mikrodilucije in indikatorski sev L. sakei NCDO 2714, s čimer smo na koncu določili minimalno inhibitorno koncentracijo. Senzorične analize LRS in IGP je izvedel panel strokovnjakov z Inštituta za mlekarstvo in probiotike (IML-PRO), prav tako so kemijske analize LRS in IGP za nas izvedli sodelavci IML-PRO. SŠMO v IGP, S in G ter število kvasovk in MKB v KZ, IG in TMK smo določali z metodo gojenja na trdem gojišču. Za LRS smo ugotovili, da se kemijska sestava bistveno ne spreminja, nima protimikrobnih lastnosti, izkazuje pa prebiotične in simbiotične učinke na rast posameznih sevov probiotičnih bakterij. Senzorično je IGP sprejemljiv, medtem ko je LRS senzorično nesprejemljiv. Fermentacija G s TMK uspešno poteče, vendar se mikrobna sestava med poskusi zelo spreminja, prav tako se spreminja mikrobna sestava IG.

Keywords:kisla sirotka, kefir, fermentacija, senzorična analiza, prebiotična aktivnost, simbiotična aktivnost, antimikrobno delovanje, kemijska sestava
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[M. Štern]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162835 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:209389827 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Chemical, sensorial and functional characteristics of the acid whey fermented with microorganisms from kefyr grains
In the master's thesis, we aimed to determine if acid whey, a by-product in the production of cottage cheese, is a nutritionally suitable medium for fermentation with kefir grains (KZ). At the company Arhel d.o.o., the acid whey was first neutralized, microfiltered (S) and pasteurized (G). Smaller quantities of G were then fermented with KZ, which were filtered after fermentation, and the obtained permeate was subsequently used as a liquid mother culture (TMK) for fermenting larger quantities of G. The fermented product was named spent growth medium (IG). The fermentation was conducted in two batches. IG-1 and IG-2 were then mixed, diafiltered, and the retentate was lyophilized – we got our product (LRS) - while the spent growth medium permeate (IGP) was not processed. We were interested in the sensory acceptability of LRS, its chemical composition, and its potential added value (symbiotic, prebiotic, antimicrobial activity). Additionally, we examined the sensory quality, chemical composition, and total microbial count (TMC) of IGP. By determining the number of yeasts and lactic acid bacteria (LAB) in samples of KZ, IG, and TMK, we assessed the microbiological stability, i.e., how many yeasts and LAB transferred from KZ to TMK as an indicator of the success of fermenting G with TMK. To assess repeatability and good hygiene practice, TMC was also determined in samples of S and G. To determine the prebiotic effect of LRS on the growth of probiotic bacteria, LRS was mixed into liquid media MRS or M17 with probiotic bacteria, and the effect of LRS on growth was observed, with the media itself serving as the control. The antimicrobial activity of water dissolved LRS against pathogenic bacteria was determined by the agar disk diffusion method, while its symbiotic activity was determined by the microdilution method using the indicator strain L. sakei NCDO 2714, thereby determining the minimum inhibitory concentration in the end. Sensory analyses of LRS and IGP were conducted by a panel of experts from Institute of Dairy Science & Probiotics (IML-PRO), and the chemical analyses of LRS and IGP were performed by colleagues at IML-PRO. TMC in IGP, S, and G, as well as the number of yeasts and LAB in KZ, IG, and TMK, were determined by culturing on solid media. We found that the chemical composition of LRS does not change significantly, it does not possess antimicrobial properties, but it exhibits prebiotic and symbiotic effects on the growth of individual strains of probiotic bacteria. IGP is sensory acceptable, while LRS is sensory unacceptable. Fermentation of G with TMK proceeds successfully, but the microbial composition varies greatly between trials, as does the microbial composition of IG.

Keywords:sour whey, kefir, fermentation, sensory analysis, prebiotic activity, symbiotic activity, antimicrobial activity, chemical composition

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