
Prototip spletne rešitve za deljeno prevajanje besednih datotek
ID Kucler, Benjamin (Author), ID Rožanc, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu je opisana zasnova in izvedba platforme za dostopnejši način prevajanja besed zapisanih v XML datotekah, ki se jih uporablja pri lokalizaciji spletnih strani in ostalih aplikacij. Namenjena je preprostejšim programskim rešitvam, izkorišča pa vse bolj razširjeno znanje tujih jezikov med mladimi. V okviru diplomske naloge je izdelan prototip, ki omogoča nalaganje, razčlembo, prevajanje, generiranje in prenašanje datotek. Omogoča tudi več uporabniških načinov in več vrst avtentikacije. Opisano je delovanje prototipa, uporabniški sistem, sistem za upravljanje z datotekami, sistem za preverjanje smiselnosti prevedenih besed, njegove omejitve in nadaljni koraki, ki bi ga pripeljali do samostojne in javno dostopne platforme za prevajanje datotek in posameznih besed. Med uporabljene tehnologije in orodja sodijo Svelte in SvelteKit, Drizzle ORM, \texttt{Auth.js} ter PostgreSQL. Analiza je pokazala, da so v prototipu prevodi že pretežno smiselni, izdelan prototip pa je zelo dobra zasnova za samostojno aplikacijo.

Keywords:prevajanje, prototip, spletna aplikacija, svelte, sveltekit, drizzle, lokalizacija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162822 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.09.2024
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Title:Prototype web solution for shared translating files of words
The thesis describes the design and implementation of a platform that provides a more accessible way of translating words contained in XML files, which are used in the localization of websites and other applications. It is aimed at simpler software solutions and takes advantage of the increasingly widespread knowledge of foreign languages among young people. As part of the thesis, a prototype was developed that allows uploading, parsing, translating, generating, and downloading files. It also offers multiple user modes and various types of authentication. The thesis describes the operation of the prototype, the user system, the file management system, the system for verifying the validity of translated words, its limitations, and the next steps leading to an independent and publicly accessible platform for translating word files and individual words. The technologies and tools used include Svelte and SvelteKit, Drizzle ORM, \texttt{Auth.js} and PostgreSQL. The analysis showed that the translations in the prototype are mostly reasonable, and the final prototype serves as a good foundation for a standalone application.

Keywords:translation, prototype, web application, svelte, sveltekit, drizzle, localization

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