
Glasbeni programi in dogodki v najzgodnejšem življenjskem obdobju : magistrsko delo
ID Ferencek, Jasmina (Author), ID Zadnik, Katarina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Glasbene izkušnje v najzgodnejšem življenjskem obdobju imajo na otroka in njegov celostni razvoj neprecenljive pozitivne učinke, na kar opozarjajo številne raziskave domačih in tujih avtorjev. Porast glasbenih programov za najmlajše priča o tem, da se starši čedalje bolj zavedajo pomena zgodnjega vključevanja v glasbeno udejstvovanje svojih otrok, vse bolj obiskani glasbeni dogodki in njihovi pozitivni odzivi pa nakazujejo, da imajo otroci potrebo in željo po vključevanju v tovrstne glasbene dejavnosti. V magistrskem delu smo podrobno analizirali tri simfonične koncerte, posebej namenjene dojenčkom in malčkom ter preučili, kako glasbeni dogodki za najmlajše vplivajo na relacijske odnose med starši in otroki, na starše in na izvajalce koncertov. Zanimalo nas je tudi, katero simfonično delo je najbolj in katero najmanj pritegnilo najmlajšo publiko in ostale deležnike koncerta. Ugotovili smo, da so posamezna simfonična dela pozitivno vplivala na odnos med starši in otroki, saj so imeli glasbeni dogodki pozitiven, povezovalni učinek med poslušanjem posameznega simfoničnega koncerta. Starši in izvajalci so podobno (pozitivno) ocenili postavitev prostora, glasbenike in uporabljene rekvizite. Izvajalci so, v primerjavi s starši, izrazili večjo nenaklonjenost do na novo ustvarjenih glasbenih del, različno pa so se opredelili tudi glede počutja med izvajanjem posameznega simfoničnega dela. Podobne rezultate pri obeh skupinah smo dobili tudi glede primernosti dolžine posameznega glasbenega dogodka. Z rezultati smo ugotovili, da sta največjo pozornost poslušalcev pritegnili prvo in drugo simfonično delo, medtem ko je najmanj pozornosti pritegnilo tretje simfonično delo. Poročanja staršev otrok so pokazala, da so tovrstni glasbeni dogodki močno zaželjeni, skupne ugotovitve pa kažejo na primanjkljaj poznavanja glasbeno-razvojnih zakonitosti in potreb najmlajših poslušalcev pri izvajalcih, in potrebe po predhodnih pripravah izvajalcev na tovrstne dogodke.

Keywords:glasbeni programi, glasbeni dogodki, simfonični koncert, koncerti za dojenčke, dojenčki, malčki, magistrska dela, magistrske naloge
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:AG - Academy of Music
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:J. Ferencek
Number of pages:159 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162814 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:209266435 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Music programs and events in the earliest childhood
Musical experiences in the earliest childhood have invaluable positive effects on a child's overall development, as highlighted by numerous studies from both domestic and international researchers. The growth of music programs for young children demonstrates that parents are increasingly aware of the importance of early musical involvement. Additionally, the rising attendance at musical events and the positive reactions they receive indicate that children have a strong need and desire to participate in such activities. In this study, we conducted a detailed analysis of three symphony concerts specifically designed for infants and toddlers. We examined how these musical events influence the relationships between parents and children, as well as between parents and performers. Additionally, we investigated which symphonic works most and least captivated the youngest audience and other concert participants. Our findings indicate that certain symphonic pieces positively impacted the parent-child relationship, fostering a unifying and enriching experience during the concerts. Parents and performers both positively assessed the room layout, musicians, and used props. However, performers expressed a greater dislike for newly created musical works compared to parents and had different emotional responses during the performance of individual symphonic pieces. Both groups provided similar feedback regarding the appropriateness of the length of each musical event. The results showed that the first and second symphonic works captured the most attention from the audience, while the third received the least interest. Reports from parents emphasized a strong desire for more of these musical events. Additionally, the study revealed a gap in performers' understanding of musical development and the needs of the youngest listeners, highlighting the necessity for better preparation for such events.

Keywords:music programs, music events, symphony concert, infants, toddlers, master's theses

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