
Vpliv razgradnje lipidnih kapljic na občutljivost rakavih celic na feroptozo
ID Feguš, Nastja (Author), ID Petan, Toni (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Župunski, Vera (Comentor)

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Lipidne kapljice (LK) so dinamični celični organeli, prisotni v večini evkariontskih celic. Pomembno vlogo imajo pri regulaciji presnove lipidov, privzemu, razporejanju, shranjevanju in uporabi maščobnih kislin v celicah, pomagajo pri vzdrževanju redoks homeostaze, integritete membran in ščitijo celice pred različnimi vrstami celičnega stresa in pred lipotoksičnostjo. LK se sintetizirajo in razgrajujejo glede na energijske potrebe v celici. Lipoliza in lipofagija sta glavna načina razgrajevanja LK. Adipozna triglicerid lipaza (ATGL) je glavna citosolna hidrolaza, ki katalizira prvo stopnjo lipolize in zagotavlja sproščanje maščobnih kislin iz LK. Feroptoza je oblika celične smrti, ki jo povzroči lipidna peroksidacija. LK vplivajo na celično porazdelitev večkrat nenasičenih maščobnih kislin, ki so potrebne za potek feroptoze. Pomembno vlogo pri tem ima ATGL, saj sprošča maščobne kisline iz LK. Povezave med LK in feroptozo še niso popolnoma jasne. Vlogo lipolize LK pri obrambi celice pred feroptozo smo preučili z novim inhibitorjem človeškega encima ATGL, NG-497. Predpostavili smo, da bo imel inhibitor NG-497 zaščitno vlogo pred feroptozo, saj bi lahko zavrl sproščanje večkrat nenasičenih maščobnih kislin iz LK. Namen magistrskega dela je bil ovrednotiti toksičnost inhibitorja NG-497, preveriti njegov vpliv na razgradnjo LK v različnih pogojih in na občutljivost rakavih celic na feroptozo. Najprej smo s pretočno citometrijo in konfokalno mikroskopijo ovrednotili sposobnost inhibicije lipolize z inhibitorjem NG-497. Ugotovili smo, da inhibitor poveča vsebnost LK v rakavih celicah. Odstotek kolokalizacije med lizosomi in LK se je povečal ob inhibiciji encima lizosomske kisle lipaze, medtem ko hkratna inhibicija encimov ATGL in lizosomske kisle lipaze ne spremeni omenjenega učinka, ki ga opazimo ob inhibiciji le lizosomske kisle lipaze. V različnih eksperimentalnih pogojih smo preverili vpliv inhibitorja NG-497 na občutljivost celic na feroptozo, ki smo jo sprožili s spojino RSL3 (za RAS-selektivna letalna mala molekula 3). V nasprotju s pričakovanji smo ugotovili, da inhibitor NG-497 nima vpliva na občutljivost celic na feroptozo, torej nima zaščitnega učinka. Naši rezultati bodo prispevali k razumevanju povezav med LK in feroptozo.

Keywords:feroptoza, lipidne kapljice, lipoliza, adipozna triglicerid lipaza
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
Publication date in RUL:27.09.2024
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Title:The impact of lipid droplet breakdown on the sensitivity of cancer cells to ferroptosis
Lipid droplets (LDs) are dynamic organelles found in most eukaryotic cells. They play an important role in the regulation of lipid metabolism, uptake, distribution, storage, and utilization of fatty acids within cells. LDs help maintain redox homeostasis, membrane integrity, modulate cellular response to stress and protect cells against lipotoxicity. Their synthesis and breakdown is regulated according to the energy needs of the cell. Lipolysis and lipophagy are the main pathways for LD degradation. Adipose triglyceride lipase (ATGL) is the primary cytosolic hydrolase catalysing the first step of lipolysis, facilitating the release of fatty acids from LDs. Ferroptosis is a form of cell death induced by lipid peroxidation. LDs influence the cellular distribution of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are required for the process of ferroptosis. ATGL significantly contributes to intracellular lipid trafficking by releasing fatty acids from LDs. However, the connections between LDs and ferroptosis have not been fully elucidated. We investigated the role of LD lipolysis in modulating ferroptosis using a novel inhibitor of the human ATGL enzyme, NG-497. We hypothesized that the NG-497 inhibitor would have a protective role against ferroptosis by preventing the release of polyunsaturated fatty acids from LDs. The aim of this master’s thesis was to evaluate the toxicity of inhibitor NG-497, examine its impact on LD degradation under various conditions, and assess its effect on the sensitivity of cancer cells to ferroptosis. First, we evaluated the ability of the NG-497 inhibitor to inhibit lipolysis using flow cytometry and confocal microscopy. Our finding demonstrated that the inhibitor increases the LD content in cancer cells. Colocalization between lysosomes and LDs increased with the inhibition of lysosomal acid lipase, while simultaneous inhibition of ATGL and lysosomal acid lipase did not alter the effect observed with inhibition of lysosomal acid lipase. We then assessed the impact of NG-497 on cancer cell sensitivity to RSL3-induced (RAS selective lethal 3) ferroptosis. Contrary to our hypothesis, our findings indicate that NG-497 does not alter ferroptosis sensitivity. Our results will contribute to the better understanding of the connections between LDs and ferroptosis.

Keywords:ferroptosis, lipid droplets, lipolysis, adipose triglyceride lipase

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