
Mednarodnopravni vidiki vpliva umetne inteligence na svobodo (političnega) izražanja
ID Bobnar, Lovro (Author), ID Sancin, Vasilka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Pravica do svobode izražanja je ena temeljnih človekovih pravic, ključna za posameznike in za družbo v celoti. Z razvojem in vedno večjo priljubljenostjo družbenih omrežij, ki prinaša naraščanje števila uporabnikov in vsebin, se za moderiranje pogosto uporablja umetna inteligenca. Razvoj umetne inteligence je poleg pozitivnih učinkov prinesel tudi nekatere negativne vplive na človekove pravice in temeljne svoboščine. Mednarodne organizacije v svojih dokumentih obravnavajo vplive umetne inteligence na človekove pravice, državam nalagajo nekatere obveznosti in podajajo priporočila za ukrepe, potrebne za zagotovitev varstva teh pravic, med njimi tudi pravice do svobode izražanja. Kot ključno poudarjajo, da mora biti ureditev rabe umetne inteligence v celoti skladna z mednarodnim pravom človekovih pravic. Z razvojem novih tehnologij, ki so pogosto v lasti zasebnih gospodarskih družb, pa je treba jasneje mednarodnopravno opredeliti tudi obveznosti in odgovornosti korporacij ter razjasniti, kako te delujejo v vzpostavljenem sistemu mednarodnega prava človekovih pravic. Hipoteza magistrskega diplomskega dela je: »Za učinkovito varstvo človekovih pravic, med njimi tudi pravice do svobode (političnega) izražanja, je nujno sprejetje mednarodne pogodbe, s katero bodo jasno določene ne le obveznosti držav, temveč tudi gospodarskih družb, ki razvijajo in uporabljajo UI.«

Keywords:umetna inteligenca, svoboda (političnega) izražanja, pravica do informacij, mednarodno pravo človekovih pravic, odgovornost korporacij
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
Publication date in RUL:27.09.2024
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Title:International Legal Aspects of the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Freedom of (Political) Expression
The right to freedom of expression is a fundamental human right, essential for both individuals and society as a whole. With the development and growing popularity of social networks, which has led to an increase in users and content, artificial intelligence is often used for moderation. The development of artificial intelligence has not only brought positive effects but also some negative impacts on human rights and fundamental freedoms. International organisations have addressed the impact of artificial intelligence on human rights in their documents, imposing certain obligations on States and making recommendations on measures needed to ensure the protection of these rights, including the right to freedom of expression. Crucially, they stress that the regulation of artificial intelligence use must fully comply with international human rights law. However, with the rise of new technologies, often owned by private corporations, there is also a need for a clearer international legal definition of the obligations and responsibilities of corporations, and for clarification of how these corporations operate within the established system of international human rights law. The hypothesis of the Master's thesis is: »The effective protection of human rights, including the right to freedom of (political) expression, requires the adoption of an international treaty that clearly defines not only the obligations of States but also the obligations of corporations that develop and use artificial intelligence.«

Keywords:artificial intelligence, freedom of (political) expression, right to information, international human rights law, corporate accountability

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