
Uporaba kavnih briketov kot goriva iz odpadkov v gospodinjstvih
ID Anžič, Lara (Author), ID Kortnik, Jože (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Toroš, Ivan (Comentor)

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V svetu so že prepoznali potencial kavnega preostanka, tako v smislu organskega kompostiranja, pridobivanja energije in proizvodnje novih materialov, npr. za izdelavo izdelkov za nego kože, trajnih skodelic za kavo ter krožnikov in goriv (biodizel, pelet oz. briketov za ogrevanje). Problem ponovne uporabe kavnih preostankov je predvsem v stroških priprave surovine v industrijskem obsegu in pa sama organizacija/ logistika zbiranja. Ključnega pomena pri vzpostavitvi sistema zbiranja kavnih preostankov je tudi sodelovanje gospodinjstev. Kavni preostanek je kavna usedlina, ki nastane med postopkom priprave ter porabe kave in konča v bioloških odpadkih. Za ravnanje z relativno veliko količino nastalih kavnih preostankov bi potrebovali na državnem nivoju izdelan načrt usklajen z evropskimi predpisi. V magistrski nalogi predpostavljamo, da bi brikete izdelane iz kavnega preostanka lahko uporabljali predvsem kot trdno gorivo v gospodinjstvih. Potrebno pa je omeniti, da kavni preostanek glede na hierarhijo ravnanja z odpadki raje kompostiramo in ne termično izrabljamo, saj ima kompostiranje prioriteto pred termično izrabo. Glede na to, da ima kavni preostanek višjo zgornjo kurilno vrednost kot pa jo ima les, bi ga bilo smiselno energetsko izrabiti. Dodana vrednost uporabe kavnih briketov pred RDF/ SRF gorivi iz odpadkov je namreč predvsem v tem, da so zaradi svojih kemičnih in fizikalnih lastnosti primerna tudi za uporabo na individualnih kuriščih v gospodinjstvih, saj ne potrebujejo posebnih čistilnih sistemov za čiščenje dimnih plinov.

Keywords:kavni preostanek, kavni briketi, trdno gorivo iz odpadkov, metoda MaxDiff
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Publication date in RUL:27.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Use of coffee briquettes as fuel from waste in households
The potential of coffee remains has already been recognised worldwide, both in terms of organic composting, energy recovery and the production of new materials, e.g. for skin care products, durable coffee cups as well as plates, and fuels (biodiesel, pellets or briquettes for heating). The problem of re-use of coffee remains lies mainly in the cost of preparing the raw material on an industrial scale, and in the organisation/ logistics of collection itself. The participation of households is also crucial in setting up a coffee remains collection system. Coffee remains are the coffee grounds that are produced during the coffee preparation and consumption process and end up in biowaste. The management of the relatively large quantities of coffee remains generated would require a national plan in line with European regulations. In the master thesis we assume that briquettes made from coffee remains could be used mainly as solid fuel in households. It should be noted, however, that according to the waste hierarchy, coffee remains are composted rather than thermally recovered, as composting takes priority over thermal recovery. Given that coffee remains have a higher upper calorific value than wood, it would make sense to recover it for energy. The added value of using coffee briquettes over RDF/SRF fuels from waste is that their chemical and physical properties also make them suitable for use in individual combustion plants in households, as they do not require special flue gas cleaning systems.

Keywords:coffee remains, coffee briquettes, solid waste fuel, MaxDiff method

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