
Regulacija umetne inteligence v EU in Sloveniji
ID Mučič, Tjaša (Author), ID Dugar, Gregor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Umetna inteligenca zaradi svoje specifične narave ter zapletenega sistema delovanja postavlja pod vprašaj obstoječe pravne ureditve. Zato se postavlja vprašanje regulacije UI, kar je tema tega magistrskega diplomskega dela. V želji po vodilni vlogi na področju UI je EU je prevzela proaktivno vlogo pri njeni regulaciji in je zato predlagala več zakonodajnih aktov, med njimi uredbo o umetni inteligenci, direktivo o civilni odgovornosti umetne inteligence in prenovljeno direktivo odgovornosti za proizvode z napako. Magistrsko-diplomsko delo na začetku obravnava odsotnost splošno sprejete definicije umetne inteligence ter njeno specifičnost delovanja. Pretežna pozornost je posvečena sprejeti uredbi o UI in kritično obravnava določene vidike akta ter njegov vpliv na obstoječo zakonodajo. Delo obravnava tudi vprašanje o ureditvi civilne odgovornosti UI skozi prizmo predloga direktive o civilni odgovornosti umetne inteligence in njenega vpliva na obstoječa nacionalna pravila. Delo omenja predlog prenovljene direktive o odgovornosti proizvodov za napako s primerjalnega vidika glede na predlog direktive o civilni odgovornosti UI.

Keywords:umetna inteligenca, algoritmi, vhodni podatki, testiranje, odločitveni model, regulacija, uredba o umetni inteligenci, direktiva o odškodninski odgovornosti umetne inteligence, direktiva o odgovornosti za proizvode z napako.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162798 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:210012163 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.09.2024
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Title:Regulation of artificial inteligence in EU and Slovenia
Due to its specific nature and complexity, artificial intelligence questions existing legal regimes. This raises the question of whether there should be AI specific regulation, which is the subject of this thesis. In its desire to play a leading role in the field of AI, the EU has taken a proactive role in the regulation of AI by several legislation proposals, including the AI Act, the AI Liability Directive and the revised Product Liability Directive. The thesis starts by drawing attention to the absence of a generally accepted definition of AI and its specific nature. It focuses mainly on the adopted AI Act and critically examines its certain aspects, as well as its impact on existing legislation. The work further addresses the issue of civil liability of AI through the prism of the proposal of the AI Liability Directive and its impact on existing national rules. Finally, the work mentions the proposal of the revised Product Liability Directive from a comparative perspective together with the proposal of the AI Liability Directive.

Keywords:artificial inteligence, algorithms, input data, testing, decision model, regulation, Artificial Inteligence Act, Artificial Inteligence Liability Directive, Product Liability Directive.

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