
Pomoč tehnologije pri ohranjanju socialnih stikov starejših med epidemijo koronavirusa
ID Pivar, Nika (Author), ID Hlebec, Valentina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomski nalogi bom obravnavala vlogo tehnologije za starejše ljudi. Zanimalo me bo predvsem, kako so lahko kljub vsem omejitvam v času epidemije Covid-19 uspeli ohranjati stike z družino, sorodniki in prijatelji. V teoretičnem delu bom opredelila pojem Covid-19, kako je epidemija potekala in kako so starejši doživljali epidemijo. Predstavila bom pojem starosti in staranja ter pojem informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije V empiričnem delu diplomskega dela bom opravila kvalitativno raziskavo. S pomočjo metode poglobljenega intervjuja bom raziskovala, kako je bila informacijsko-komunikacijska tehnologija povezana z ohranjanjem stikov med starejšimi, s kakšnimi težavami so se pri uporabi tehnologije spopadali in ali so pridobili kakšna nova znanja na področju uporabe informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije.

Keywords:Covid-19, starost, staranje, informacijsko-komunikacijska tehnologija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Publication date in RUL:27.09.2024
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Title:Aid of Technology in Keeping Social Contacts among the Elderly during the coronavirus Epidemic
In my thesis I discuss the role of technology among the elderly. I focus mainly on how they managed to keep in touch with family, relatives, and friends during the time of the Covid-19 epidemic despite all the restrictions. The theoretical part defines the concept of covid-19, how the epidemic developed and how the elderly experienced it. I present the concept of old age and aging, as well as the concept of information and communications technology. For the empirical part of the thesis, I perform a qualitative survey. Using the method of an in depth interview I explore how the information and communications technology was linked to keeping in touch among the elderly, what problems they faced in its use and whether they acquired any new skills from using it.

Keywords:Covid-19, old age, aging, information and communications technology

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