Swimming has been part of the school curriculum in Slovenia since the 1960s, and since 1998 it has been a compulsory subject of the curriculum and part of the regular programme for the first three years of primary school, which is taught in the form of a 20-hour swimming course. Children are also exposed to swimming in kindergarten and while continuing their education. In order to ensure safe and successful compulsory swimming lessons, appropriate conditions are also needed, which unfortunately are still not available to all teachers. The purpose of this master's thesis is to analyse the suitability of swimming pools for swimming lessons in terms of water depth and to examine their local dispersion.
After analysing the data, we have come to the conclusion that while the swimming pool situation has improved over the last twenty-five years, the uneven dispersion of swimming pools is still a major problem. It does not offer a level playing field for teachers, who are tackling the problem in different ways. The holding of compulsory courses as part of the annual outdoor school is one way of delivering courses in a shallow pool, and having enough suitable equipment for those who choose to run a course in deep water anyway.
The content of this master's thesis is meant for those who are looking for swimming pools suitable for the depth of water for a compulsory 20-hour swimming course. We have gathered information on the available swimming pools in one place, found those that are suitable for teaching and also displayed the information on a map available online.