
Učinek vadbe v vodi na aerobne sposobnosti in kapaciteto pljuč posameznika s post-COVID-19 sindromom
ID Samardžija, Aleksandar (Author), ID Šajber, Dorica (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen magistrske naloge je bil ugotoviti učinek vadbe v vodi in plavanja na aerobne sposobnosti in kapaciteto pljuč posameznikov s post-COVID-19 sindromom. Vadbeno obdobje je trajalo osem tednov, dvakrat tedensko. Za vadbo so lahko posamezniki izbrali plavanje ali vodno aerobiko, odvisno od znanja plavanja, sposobnosti in pripravljenosti. Za oceno učinkovitosti vadbe v vodi na aerobne sposobnosti smo uporabili rezultate osemindvajsetih posameznikov. Za oceno aerobne sposobnosti je dvajset posameznikov izbralo 6-minutni test hoje, ostalih osem pa 2-minutni test stopanja na mestu. Za oceno pljučne kapacitete smo uporabili metodo spirometrije (MICRO, Vitalograph), s katero smo izmerili forsirano vitalno kapaciteto (FVC) in forsirani izdihani volumen v prvi sekundi (FEV1). Ta test je izvedlo triindvajset posameznikov. Po osmih tednih smo izvedli zaključno testiranje. Dobljene rezultate smo obdelali z računalniškim programom IBM SPSS Statistics. Izračunali smo normalnost porazdelitve podatkov ter potencialen obstoj statistično pomembnih razlik v rezultatih testov med začetnim in zaključnim testiranjem. Za oceno učinkov vadbe v vodi na aerobne sposobnosti, FVC in FEV1 smo uporabili t-test parov. S Pearsonovim koeficientom korelacije smo izračunali korelacijo med 6-minutnim testom hoje in testom spirometrije. Ugotovili smo, da je organizirana osemtedenska vadba pozitivno vplivala na aerobne sposobnosti in FVC. Korelacije med 6-minutnim testom hoje in FVC-jem nismo izmerili, smo pa jo med 6-minutnim testom hoje ter FEV1. Ob zaključku raziskave ugotavljamo, da je osemtedenska prilagojena vadba v vodi lahko učinkovita za posameznike s post-COVID-19 sindromom.

Keywords:post-COVID-19 sindrom, plavanje, vadba v vodi, aerobne sposobnosti, pljučna kapaciteta
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
Publication date in RUL:27.09.2024
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Title:The effect of water exercise on aerobic and lung capacity of people who suffer from post-COVID-19 syndrome
The purpose of the master's thesis was to determine the effect of water exercise and swimming on the aerobic and lung capacity of individuals with post-COVID-19 syndrome. The training period lasted for eight weeks, with sessions twice a week. Subjects were allowed to choose between swimming and water aerobics based on their swimming knowledge, ability, and readiness. Twenty-eight individuals were involved in the study to evaluate the effectiveness of water exercise on aerobic capacity. Of these, twenty subjects opted for the 6-minute walk test, and the remaining eight chose the 2-minute step-in-place test to assess aerobic capacity. Lung capacity was assessed using the spirometry method (MICRO, Vitalograph) to measure forced vital capacity (FVC) and forced expiratory volume in the first second (FEV1) for twenty-three subjects. Data from the initial and final testing was processed using the IBM SPSS Statistics software to calculate the normality of data distribution and identify potential statistically significant differences in test results. A paired t-test was used to assess the effects of aquatic exercise on aerobic capacity, FVC, and FEV1. The Pearson correlation coefficient was used to calculate the correlation between the 6-minute walk test and the spirometry test, and it was found that the eight-week exercise had a positive effect on aerobic capacity and FVC. It was noted that the correlation between the 6-minute walk test and FEV1 was measured but not between the 6-minute walk test and FVC. In conclusion, the study suggests that eight weeks of adapted exercise in water can be effective for individuals with post-COVID-19 syndrome.

Keywords:post-COVID-19 syndrome, swimming, water exercise, aerobic capacity, lung capacity

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