
Učinek sočasno izvedene gibalne in kognitivne naloge na reakcijski čas
ID Knez, Melani (Author), ID Tomažin, Katja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Moškon, Sara (Comentor)

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Namen magistrske naloge je bil ugotoviti učinek teka (10 min, 60 ̶ 70 % največjega privzema kisika (VO2max)) brez sočasne kognitivne naloge in z njo na enostavni (ERČ) in izbirni reakcijski čas (IRČ) na svetlobni dražljaj. Kognitivna naloga, ki so jo preizkušanci izvajali med tekom, je bila Stroopov test. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 20 zdravih in telesno aktivnih oseb, starih med 20 in 26 let. Meritve so potekale v kineziološkem laboratoriju ter fitnesu na Fakulteti za šport Univerze v Ljubljani. Preizkušanci so izvedli dva protokola: tek na tekoči preprogi (10 min, ~ 60 % srčne rezerve ̶ FSUtek) in tek na tekoči preprogi s Stroopovim testom. ERČ in IRČ sta bila izmerjena pred protokoloma in po njiju. Protokola sta bila izvedena v naključnem vrstnem redu, enako tudi meritve ERČ in IRČ. Rezultati so pokazali, da se je ERČ po teku s Stroopovim testom podaljšal, medtem ko se po teku brez dodane kognitivne naloge ni spremenil statistično značilno. IRČ se po obeh protokolih ni spremenil statistično značilno. ERČ se po teku (10 minut, ~ 60 % FSUtek) ni spremenil statistično značilno, ker ni povzročil dovolj velike spremembe v vzburjenosti osrednjega živčnega sistema. Prav tako ni vplival na izboljšanje pozornosti, ki skrajša čas zaznave vidnega dražljaja in povzroči višjo hitrost procesiranja informacij osrednjega živčnega sistema (OŽS). Podaljšanje ERČ po sočasni izvedbi teka in Stroopovega testa je najverjetneje posledica utrujenost in/ali poslabšanja pozornosti, ker se je ERČ podaljšal. Protokola nista imela vpliva na IRČ, ki je v večji meri odvisen od časa pravilne izbire odgovora, kot le od hitrost potovanja informacij v OŽS.

Keywords:gibalna naloga, kognitivna naloga, akutni učinki, reakcijski čas
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
Publication date in RUL:27.09.2024
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Title:The effect of simultaneously performed physical and cognitive tasks on reaction time
The main purpose of this master's thesis was to determine the effect of running (10 min, 60 to 70 % VO2max), bothwith and without a concurrent cognitive task on simple (SRT) and choice reaction time (CRT) in response to a light stimulus. The cognitive task performed by the participants during the run was the Stroop test. The study involved 20 healthy and physically active individuals, aged between 20 and 26 years. Measurements were conducted in the kinesiology laboratory and the fitness center at the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Sport. The participants performed two protocols: treadmill running and treadmill running with the Stroop test (10 min, 60 % of the heart rate reserve - FSUrun). SRT and CRT were measured before and after the protocols. The protocols were performed in random order, as were the SRT and CRT measurements. The results showed that SRT increased after running with the Stroop test, while it did not change significantly after running without the added cognitive task. CRT did not change significantly after either protocol. SRT did not change significantly after running (10 min, ~ 60% FSUrun) as it did not induce sufficient changes in central nervous system arousal. Attention, which would shorten the perception time of a visual stimulus and lead to a higher speed of information processing in the central nervous system (CNS), was also not increased. The increase in SRT after simultaneous running and Stroop testing is most likely due to fatigue and/or a decrease in attention, as the SRT was prolonged. The protocols had no effect on the CRT, which depends on the time needed to select the correct response and not solely on the speed of information processing in the CNS.

Keywords:physical task, cognitive task, acute effects, reaction time

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