
Povezava med botaničnim izvorom cvetnega prahu in nekaterimi lastnostmi kranjske čebele (Apis mellifera carnica)
ID Jenko, Katarina (Author), ID Prešern, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Smodiš Škerl, Maja Ivana (Comentor)

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Čebelarstvo je panoga kmetijstva, ki se ukvarja z rejo medonosne čebele (Apis mellifera L.). Medonosne čebele so socialne žuželke, čebelja družina pa velja za superorganizem z dobro opredeljenim kastnim sistemom in reproduktivno delitvijo dela. Ustrezna prehrana je najpomembnejša za preživetje čebel. Čebele za preživetje potrebujejo cvetni prah in nektar kot vir beljakovin, aminokislin, ogljikovih hidratov, maščob, mineralov, vitaminov in mnogih drugih hranil. Močna čebelja družina za svoj razvoj letno potrebuje od 20 kg do 40 kg cvetnega prahu, potrebe pa se razlikujejo glede na starost čebel, razdelitev dela in moč čebelje družine. Cilj magistrskega dela je bil določiti vrsto in količino cvetnega prahu v posameznem obdobju, določiti preference čebeljih družin po vrsti cvetnega prahu, ter ugotoviti povezavo med kakovostjo cvetnega prahu in fiziološkim stanjem čebel v nadzorovanih laboratorijskih pogojih v kletkah. V prvem delu magistrske naloge smo cvetni prah zbirali na dveh lokacijah, mu nato določili barvo in botanični izvor. V drugem delu smo izvedli dva poskusa s 30 čebelami na kletko. Pri prvem smo imeli pet, pri drugem pa sedem različnih testnih skupin po pet ponovitev. Dnevno smo spremljali porabo sladkorne raztopine / sladkorne pogače, vode, cvetnega prahu in beležili mrtve čebele. Ugotovili smo, da je raznovrstnost zbranega cvetnega prahu odvisna od lokacije zbiranja in leta ter, da med čebeljimi družinami obstajajo razlike v količini zbranega cvetnega prahu glede na barvo in botanični izvor cvetnega prahu. Potrdili smo hipotezo, v kateri smo predvidevali, da bodo imele čebele z večjo okuženostjo z mikrosporidijem Nosema spp. tudi večjo porabo hrane ter potrdili pozitiven vpliv cvetnega prahu na fiziološko stanje.

Keywords:čebelarstvo, kranjska čebela, lastnosti, cvetni prah, botanični izvor
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162737 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:209392387 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The relationship between the botanical origin of pollen and certain characteristics od Carniolan honey bee (Apis mellifera carnica)
Beekeeping is a branch of agriculture that deals with rearing of honey bees (Apis mellifera L.). Honey bees are social insects, and the honey bee colony is considered a superorganism with a clearly defined caste system and reproductive division of work. Adequate nutrition is the most important factor for the survival of bees. To survive, bees need pollen and nectar as a source of proteins, amino acids, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, vitamins and many other nutrients. A healthy bee colony requires 20 kg to 40 kg of pollen per year for its development, whereby the requirement varies depending on the age of the bees, the division of labour and the strength of the colony. The aim of the Master's thesis was to determine the type and quantity of pollen in each season, to determine the preferences of the colony for a specific type of pollen and to establish the relationship between the quality of the pollen and the physiological state of the bees under controlled laboratory conditions in cages. In the first part of the MSc thesis, pollen was collected at two locations and its colour and botanical origin were determined. In the second part, we conducted two experiments with 30 bees per cage. In the first experiment we had five and in the second seven different test groups with five replicates. We monitored the consumption of sugar solution/sugar cake, water and pollen and removed dead bees daily. We found that the variety of pollen depended on the location of pollen collection and the year, and that there were differences in the amount of pollen collected between colonies depending on the colour and botanical origin of the collected pollen. We confirmed our hypothesis that bees with a higher infestation of Nosema spp. would also have a higher food consumption and confirmed the positive effect of pollen on bee physiological state.

Keywords:beekeeping, Carniolan honey bee, characteristics, pollen, botanical origin

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