
Zborno sojenje v upravnem sporu
ID Špoljarić, Ana (Author), ID Žuber, Bruna (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko diplomsko delo obravnava zborno sojenje v upravnem sporu, ki ima v našem pravnem redu dolgotrajno tradicijo. Zadnja novela Zakona o upravnem sporu je na tem področju prinesla veliko spremembo; sojenje po sodniku posamezniku je določila kot temeljno pravilo. Prvič v zgodovini samostojne Slovenije tako na Upravnem sodišču praviloma odloča sodnik posameznik, novela pa kljub vsemu še naprej ohranja možnost senatnega odločanja v zahtevnejših zadevah. Po veljavni ureditvi je sojenje po sodniku posamezniku v večji meri uveljavljeno tudi pred Vrhovnim sodiščem. Sprememba je bila uvedena predvsem z namenom povečanja učinkovitosti upravnega sodstva in s tem skrajšanja časa, potrebnega za odločitev v posamezni zadevi. V magistrskem diplomskem delu so obravnavani še nekateri drugi razlogi, ki so spremembi botrovali, v kasnejših poglavjih pa tudi vpliv oblike sojenja na različne vidike učinkovitega sodnega varstva v upravnem sporu. Zbornemu sojenju se namreč pripisuje bolj kakovostne in pravičnejše odločitve, pripomoglo pa naj bi tudi k neodvisnosti in nepristranskosti sodišča ter k enotnosti sodne prakse. Premik k sojenju po sodniku posamezniku so v preteklosti, kot primeren ukrep za najboljše izkoriščanje kadrovskih kapacitet na sodiščih, prepoznali tudi nekateri organi, kot je Komisija Sveta Evrope za učinkovitost pravosodja. Zaradi navedenega ne preseneča dejstvo, da je trend postopnega pomikanja k tej obliki sojenja v upravnem sporu mogoče opaziti tudi v ostalih evropskih državah.

Keywords:načelo zbornosti, načelo kolegialnosti, senatno sojenje, sodnik posameznik, ZUS-1C, upravni spor, Upravno sodišče, učinkovitost odločanja, oblika sojenja
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162693 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:210048771 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Collegial adjudication in administrative disputes
The master's thesis discusses collegial adjudication in administrative disputes, which has a long tradition in our legal system. The recent amendment to the Administrative Disputes Act brought about significant changes in this area, with adjudication by a single judge being established as the fundamental rule. For the first time in the history of independent Slovenia, a single judge generally decides at the Administrative Court, although the amendment still preserves the possibility of collegiate adjudication in more complex cases. Under the current legal framework, adjudication by a single judge is also becoming more prevalent before the Supreme Court. This change was primarily introduced to enhance the efficiency of administrative justice and thereby reduce the timeframes for decision-making in individual cases. The master's thesis also addresses several other factors that contributed to such a change and in subsequent chapters, it also discusses the impact of the adjudication format on various aspects of effective judicial protection in administrative disputes. Collegiate adjudication is associated with higher-quality and more just decisions and is believed to contribute to the independence, impartiality, and uniformity of judicial practice. The shift towards single-judge adjudication has been recognized in the past as a suitable measure for optimizing the use of personnel resources in courts by some bodies, such as the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice. Therefore, it is not surprising that the trend of gradually moving towards this form of adjudication in administrative disputes can also be observed in other European countries.

Keywords:principle of collegiality, senate adjudication single judge, amending act ZUS-1C, administrative dispute, administrative court, decision-making efficiency, adjudication format

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