
Integracija ilustracije in tipografije na plakatih
ID Popov, Nikolina (Author), ID Stupica, Matej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Fras, Domen (Comentor)

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Mladi so pogosto predmet analize, vedno so podvrženi kritikam; ostro se primerjajo s starejšimi generacijami. A kdo so ti mladi ljudje, od kod prihajajo, kaj jih je oblikovalo in kdo ali kaj jih je naredilo takšne, kot so zdaj, kje so danes in kaj počnejo? V svojem diplomskem delu sem predstavila življenje mladih skozi serijo plakatov. Moj cilj je bil združiti tipografijo in ilustracijo prek medija plakatov ter hkrati raziskati in prikazati mlade ljudi skozi edinstvene in osebne zgodbe iz njihovega življenja. V teoretičnem delu svojega diplomskega dela sem skušala dokazati, da plakati niso zgolj sredstvo oglaševanja, temveč predstavljajo dragocen kanal izražanja idej, pogledov in sporočil. Raziskava temelji na nekonvencionalni anketi, ki je prinesla vpogled v izkušnje in perspektive mladih generacij. Prilagojen pristop k oblikovanju vprašanj je omogočil bolj osebne odgovore. Eseje, ki sem jih prejela kot odgovore, sem prevedla v vizualna sporočila in ustvarila serijo plakatov. Za vsakega od treh plakatov sem izvedla analizo vsebine in opisa. Nato sem ustvarila zin, ki izhaja iz posameznih elementov, prikazanih na plakatih.

Keywords:vizualne komunikacije, ilustracija, fanzin, grafično oblikovanje, tipografija, poljski plakat, sitotisk, diplomska naloga
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162691 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Integration of illustration and typography on posters
Young people are often the subject of analysis and are constantly subjected to criticism; they fervently compare themselves with older generations. But who are these young individuals, where do they come from, what has molded them, and what or who has shaped them into who they are now, where they stand today, and what they engage in? In my dissertation, I portrayed the lives of young people through a series of posters. My objective was to merge typography and illustration through the medium of posters, while also investigating and illustrating young people through distinctive and personal narratives from their lives. In the theoretical segment of my dissertation, I endeavored to demonstrate that posters serve not merely as advertising tools but as valuable conduits for expressing ideas, viewpoints, and messages. The research is grounded in an unconventional survey, providing insights into the experiences and perspectives of young generations. A tailored approach to question formulation facilitated more personalized responses. Essays received in response were translated into visual messages, culminating in a series of posters. For each of the three posters, I conducted an analysis of their content and descriptions. Subsequently, I created a zine derived from the individual elements depicted in the posters.

Keywords:visual communications, illustration, fanzine, graphic design, typography, polish poster, screen printing, BA thesis

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